Chapter 20: Just a Game

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Once I found Merle, I told him what the Governor had asked. He left for the infirmary, biting his lip nervously. With all of the chaos happening, I knew no one would be wondering where I was and no one should be wandering around the secret gate I had created. This was the perfect time for me to slip out and meet Gibbs. I was already late and he did not particularly like to be kept waiting.

I kept my profile low and sagged into the background as I made my way towards the gate, I kept on my toes, ensuring no one was watching or tailing me. I slid the loose scrap metal to the side, crouching down and stepping through the hole. Once I turned and closed the entrance I stood up and came face to face with Gibbs. His blank and indifferent stare always set everyone on edge. You could never tell what he was thinking and I tended to ramble when I saw it. He walked towards me, eyebrows shooting up, lifting his arms from his sides.

"You're late DiNozzo!" He stated stepping closer to me. "Whatcha got?"

"She's here boss." I sigh, "And the Governor doesn't plan on releasing her or her friend anytime soon."

I explain what happened quickly but in detail. I told him about meeting Glenn and the information he gave me on Jayden and some prison where they were held up at. Then I told him about the firefight that happened and that Jayden and her friend were taken back to the barracks. He swiped his hand over his face mulling over the information.

"He's setting up one of those "shows" wants to paint Merle as a traitor." I lick my lips before speaking again. "I don't know what they plan on doing with Jayden but I'm sure she'll be there."

Before he could respond a twig snaps behind us making us spin pulling up our guns. We come face to face with two people who also have their guns trained at us. One of them I recognized. I think I heard Glenn call her Maggie? I pull my hands back showing them in surrender and get a cold glare thrown to my side from Gibbs.

"Maggie? Do you remember me?" I ask looking at the woman. She looks skates her eyes over my face but nods slowly lowering her gun and turning to a tense and authoritative man.

"Rick... Rick, it's okay. This is Tony he helped us. They're who Jayden's been looking for." He placed her hand on his arm pulling it down and the gun with it. Once his gun is down, Gibbs doesn't hesitate to drop his own.

"Your LJG I'm guessing?" He nods towards Gibbs who returns it holding out his hand.

"Yeah, but you can call me Gibbs or Jethro it doesn't matter. How do you know Jayden." Gibbs questioned.

"That's a really long story, best to save it for later. We have people to bust out." Maggie gave a soft smile, but determination was sewn into her features.

"We should wait..." I put my hand out and they look to me confused. "They are heavily guarded at the barracks. But the Governor is putting on a show of sorts. It will be in an open area with more cover to nab them."

Rick looked to Maggie whispering in her ear silently. He turned back to us a put down his bag opening it. Placing his hand on his hip, he gestured to the bag, motioning for us to look inside.

"That's all the supplies we got, any of that work?" He looked between us. I squat down pulling out some of the gear he has in the bag.

"What do we got here... Okay, some smoke grenades, we'll definitely be needing those. We got ammo, knives, and a... Wait where the hell did you get an ice pick in Georgia?" I look up incredulously at the man before me.

"I honestly don't remember." He chuckled, his smile reflecting my own. Before I could joke back with him Gibbs cut in.

"DiNozzo," He stated flatly and that's all I need to remember the problem at hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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