Chapter 8: The Prison Part 1

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Rick placed a map down on the hood of the car. Everyone took up a spot giving ideas on what was next.

"We got no place left to go." T-Dog said in defeat.

"When this heard meets up with this one, we'll be cut off. We'll never make it south." Maggie pointed at the map as Herschel and Rick looked on.

Jayden sat by the end of the car on the ground silently listening to the groups conversation. She started to take off the bandage on her left arm to reveal a semi fresh wound. Surprisingly she had kept the infection at bay but it would soon set in with the lack of medical supplies she had. She stood up a walked towards her jeep where she ruffled through her belongings to find her bag with medical supplies. It was light making Jayden more nervous.

She pulled out an almost empty triple antibiotic cream and more bandages. As she cleaned the wound and lathered it with cream, she began to bandage it. Seeing as the bite was on her upper arm, she struggled with the bandage until she heard a familiar voice speak up.

"Do you need some help?" Carol walked over to Jayden with a small smile on her face.

"Um... Sure I guess. Thanks." Jayden doesn't know Carol very well or anyone besides the Greenes. There short time together didn't exactly build trust, especially with the confrontation between her and Rick.

Carol began to carefully wrap the bandage around Jayden's arm.

"You know one time my daughter cut up her leg pretty good. Had to get stitches even, so I had to learn to dress and bandage her leg up for a good while." Carols voice broke at the end of her sentence making her cough.

Jayden did her best to ignore it as she had heard about what happened to Sophia. She gave Carol a tight lip smile and gave her hand a squeeze before letting her get back to work. A movement caught her eye as she say Daryl and Rick begin walking over to the woods. For a moment his eyes caught hers. He looked down and back up at he before following Rick into the woods.

"The Greenes weren't to happy with him that morning you know." Carol said.

Jayden looked up at the women with a confused expression. Before she continued.

"Well, they wanted him to stop you." She clarified.

"Yea like that would happen. He barely knew me. He knew my secret that's all nothing in it for him to keep me around." Jayden looked down at her hands.

"You know he felt bad about what happened. He tried to bring you food everyday." Carol looked up from her work.

"Yea I know. I could tell when it was him. He come up quiet barely any footsteps and the leave stomping down the stairs." Jayden laughed. "I wasn't in the best state of mind then. I was... am going through things."

"No judgement here. We have all been through things." Carol smiled before heading back to the car with the rest of the group.


A few hours later Jayden got sick of waiting around. She decided herself that she was going to go scout around and hunt if she could. She traded in her rifle for her bow and long knives. Keeping a pistol on her belt just in case.

As she began walking she heard her name called out. When she turned around she saw Glenn running up to her.

"You know Rick's rule we go in pairs." Glenn breathed.

"I'm not going alone. Tony!" Jayden called. A head shot out beneath the jeep and sprinted over towards them. "See... a pair. Happy?"

"Ha..Ha very funny. I'm coming with you." He said.

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