Chapter 9: The Prison - Part 2

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Rick ran up to the fence and began clipping out an opening. Glenn, Maggie, and Jayden were in charge of taking care of any surrounding walkers. Once they were inside the guard walkway of the prison, Glenn closed up the fence.

They made their way past the first guard tower and next to the gated entrance. The prison yard was full of walkers and another gate closer to the building laid open allowing more walkers to filter in.

"It's Perfect." Said Rick "If we can shut that gate, prevent more from filling the yard, we can pick off these walkers. We'll take the field by tonight."

"So how do we shut the gate?" Herschel asked.

"We're running low on ammo. It's gonna have to be quick." Jayden chimed in looking through the fence at the walkers.

"I going." She stated.

"No." Daryl quickly shot her down. Jayden glared hard at him.

"It makes the most sense if I go. If luck still plays my way a bite or two isn't going to hurt. Besides I am the fastest one here." Jayden finally removed her gaze from Daryl and directed it at Rick.

"No, Glenn, Maggie, and Beth draw as many walkers as you can over there. Pop'em through the fence." Rick said giving Jayden an apologetic look. "Daryl, you and Jayden head back to the guard tower. Carol go with them, you've become a pretty good shot. Take your time. We don't have a lot of ammo to waste."

Daryl and Jayden began heading for the tower, Carol not too far behind them. An uncomfortable silence lay between the pair.

"Why were you so against me making that run?" Jayden asked as they ran.

"We ain't got time for this shit," Daryl said before climbing the stairs to the tower.

"I don't know about you Legolas but I am more than capable of holding a conversation and shooting so just spit it out!" Jayden shouted as she set up her rifle.

"You're Fuckin stupid and reckless. You risk your life any chance you get. So I'll ask the same question I did at the house 8 months ago. Do you want to fucking die? Do you not give a shit about your life?!" He shouted.

Daryl looked at Jayden for an answer and for the first time Jayden was speechless. She didn't how to respond because she honestly wasn't sure.

"You wanna find your dad so bad then you gotta stay alive." He muttered before turning back to the field. Carol just sat beside them the tension making this already small tower feel like a cardboard box.


Once the yard was clear and the fence closed up, everyone made their way onto the green grass. Daryl made it apparent that he didn't want anything to do with Jayden so he wandered off toward the front of the group.

"We haven't had this much space since we left the farm," Carol exclaimed, the joy radiating through her voice.

T-Dog began laughing and the entire group made their way around the yard. Jayden hung back with Tony who stopped every three steps to sniff the ground. She noticed Rick appear beside her. His presence was once uncomfortable but she knew he meant no harm. He walked beside her for a while trying to configure the words wracking his brain.

He stopped walking and put his hand on Jayden's arm signaling her to stop as well. Tony didn't even notice and continued walking a sniffing the ground. Rick looked at Jayden and then at the group. After a second his eyes returned back to the woman.

"I could've made that run," Jayden said flatly. "We wouldn't have needed to waste as many bullets if I went,"

"I know, your more qualified than any of us that's for sure but they just got you back. You have been living in this world recklessly because you were alone. And you were going through things now I get that, but you have people who not only count on you but they care for you as well. Don't keep putting them in positions where they have to worry about you." Rick put his arm on her shoulder before heading over to his family.

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