Chapter 18: New People? New Feelings?

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Daryl was basically carrying me as we arrived at the cell block. My entire leg was throbbing and I could barely walk. Rick quickly unlocked the cell door leading us in. Daryl tightened his grip on my waist and led me into a cell carefully placing me on the bed.

"Ow... fuck." I grimaced in pain as my body sank into a hard mattress.

"Jayden!" Beth pushed past Daryl, crouching beside me. "Dad hurry!"

Hershel appeared around the corner, using his crutches to slowly make his way toward me. His lips pulled up into a tight smile as he looked up and down my body trying to gauge how extensive my injuries were.

"I'm fine Hersh. Nothing I can't handle if you just bandage me up I'll be on my merry way." I winked at him only to hiss in pain as he grabbed my thigh to inspect it.

"What happened?" Hershel was no longer looking at me. He turned to Daryl for an answer.

"She fell off a roof apparently." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Um no... I did not fall off a roof Dixon I was pushed off a roof it is completely different..." Herschel's wide eyes caught my attention and I sucked in my lips. "Which I guess is not relevant at the moment," I said slowly.

Herschel shook his head, he slowly tried to push up my shirt only to see the giant bruise that had formed all across my side and disappearing behind my back. I knew I had at least bruised my ribs maybe even broken a few with how hard it was to breathe. I grabbed his hand and pulled it away from my stomach holding it.

"It's not as bad as it looks Hersh I promise." I squeeze his hand. "I didn't fall too far, really it's just my leg I need it bandaged to stop the bleeding... And then I need a nap because I am fucking exhausted." I chuckled trying not to show any pain in my face.

"Alright, but I want to bandage your ribs too. It will help keep them in place if they are broken and it will help with the pain. Beth, would you go and get the supplies?" Hershel sat down in the chair Oscar had brought him, allowing him to sit next to me.

When Beth returned with the supplies, Hershel began working on my leg. Carol had helped me change clothes giving me a pair of gray running shorts, a black sports bra, and a black hoodie. This gave Hershel better access to my leg and gave me the chance to get out of my bloodied clothes.

I tried to block out the pain from Herschel sewing up the wound on my leg. I wasn't too bad of an injury. It hurt like hell but it luckily missed anything vital. If that thing had even nicked my femoral artery then I'd already be dead. Most of my pain came from my chest.

"I never valued how much I like breathing until now." I randomly blurted while staring at the top of the bunk. "I mean just think about it. You don't notice how nice and easy it is until you fall off a roof. Now it just hurts.

Herschel looked at Carol with a quizzical face before silently chuckling to himself. He finished up my leg bandaging it up and giving my good thigh a tap signaling that he was done.

"We have to do your ribs now, You'll have to stand up." He raised his eyebrows at me silently asking if that was doable.

I slowly nodded my head moving to sit up, but I had more trouble with this simple task than I anticipated. My body was hurt and exhausted and it showed. Carol put a hand on my shoulder and told me to wait a second. She left but was only gone for a minute when she came back with Daryl and Beth.

"Ok sweetie, you're going to let us hold you up ok?" She smiled softly. "Daryl will take on most of the weight and Beth and I will help."

Daryl looked extremely uncomfortable as he shifted slightly from side to side. I'm assuming Rick was busy or else he'd be the one helping. Carol dragged him over. They carefully lifted my torso into a sitting position allowing me to catch my breath.

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