Chapter 2: Reunions and First Impressions

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Jayden and Glenn stared at each other for what felt like hours before smiling, racing towards each other into a bone crushing hug. Everyone else looked on in confusion as the two continued to hold each other. When they separated Glenn caught Maggie's eyes glaring at him before he spoke.

"Jayden and I go way back. We've been friends since we were kids. She actually lived with my family on and off for a few years." He told the group before turning back to Jayden. "God I haven't seen you since your last deployment."

Jayden smiled at him. "It's been a long time, Rhee. It's good to see you. Now this group of yours, can I trust them not to kill me?" Jayden turned serious at the last part.

"Yeah, you'll be fine just don't piss off the redneck." Glenn muttered.

They shared a laugh before heading towards the door to the house. Everyone else stayed still, wondering what was going to happen next. Jayden turned around and looked at them.

"Welcome to your temporary home, please grab your belongings on your way in so we can start the tour." She turned around and entered the house.

Everyone began gathering their belongings and heading into the house. Giving each other quizzical looks along the way. Herschel told them they would be safe from the herd in the house. Yet it looked just like the farm house? When they entered the house they all met in the living room where everyone found seats on the furniture in front of them.

"Alright, listen close because by my estimate that herd will be here by tomorrow so we need to prepare. This house looks like shit that can't hold up a bee's nest I know but we'll be safe here. As you heard Glenn mention, I was in the corps. I came here from Fort Benning when it fell." She looked down at her hand for a brief moment before continuing. "I was able to gather a shitload of supplies and make it back here. Now If you'll all follow me, you will understand why we will be perfectly safe.

Jayden stood up and began walking towards another room with bookcases in it. She looked back and smiled before pulling a small figurine opening one of the book cases. Behind the bookcase was a metal door, when she opened it it had a set of stairs leading down another level. As they descended the stairs they saw what looked like the inside of a modern house.

"This my friends is where we will be living for the next couple of days. A herd that big will take time to pass through. In the kitchen and pantry is plenty of food and water. There are rooms down here as well, although most of you are going to have to double up. And if Glenn, Herschel, Maggie, Rick, and Legolas will follow me." Jayden turned to walk down a small hallway to a door with a lock on it. She input the code and opened the door before walking it.

Almost everyone's jaws dropped to the floor when they saw the amount of ammunition and guns there were. They began walking around looking at the various fire power that laid out in front of them. Daryl went to pick up one of Jayden's sniper rifles before she stopped him.

"I only have two of these rifles. They are off limits." She put the rifle back on its hook before turning back to the rest of the group. "Now I don't fully trust you yet, but I trust Herschel and Glenn. You'll all receive the code to enter this room, take what you want but spare me some as well. And don't touch my rifles or bow."

"Where did you get all of this? Is it all from Fort Benning?" Rick asked.

"I have a lot of free time, Rick. I go out on runs a lot, but most of these guns are from a group about two miles back east." Jayden grabbed one of the guns. "They were horrible people who needed to be put down. Wasted a shit ton of bullets but there were too many to take out hand to hand. They were searching for some kid, named Randal."

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