20- Little Miss Sunshine Packs a Punch

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"WELCOME BACK to another Quidditch game at Ilvermorny! Today's match is against the two teams that have remained undefeated this season!"

Ember could hear the crowd roaring. Obviously more people than usual would come out to this match. Either Horned Serpent or Thunderbird would walk away from this game and still be undefeated, but they couldn't both do it.

She'd left Wes and Garrett to find a place in the stands, but Addy and Indigo would have arrived soon after and sat with the boys. Mika, she knew, would be sitting amongst his Thunderbird pals so that his loyalty was clear.

In the tunnel that led to the field, Beau turned to look at his team, chin lifted confidently, "Remember how we kicked their asses last time? Yeah, well, this isn't any different."

He looked at Elsa, "Quick as you can, you know the drill."

She jerked her chin, "You got it, Cap."

To Liam, the new Keeper that had turned out to be an excellent choice, "I know you haven't played them before, but you're prepared. And if you're nervous about guarding Ava's shots... well, pretend she's Ember."

The blonde scoffed, "Are you suggesting I'm less intimidating?"

Beau rolled his eyes, "No, you idiot, I'm saying you and Ava are similar in skill level, so if Liam's caught some of your shots before, he can catch Ava's. And while we're on the subject, Ava is yours today, Ember. Do whatever you have to do. Fly like the devil, go crazy, but make her life difficult."

Kanza elbowed Ember lightly, his face lighting up in a small smile. "Bring back 'Flash', she was cool."

She laughed, "Consider her reporting for duty!"

Beau turned to look at the Beaters, "Play smart, don't foul unless it's absolutely necessary. No head shots, we can't afford the penalties."

They nodded, and then the announcer was yelling, "THE HORNED SERPENT QUIDDITCH TEAM!"

They took off. Ember even deviated slightly from the normal lap around the field to slide by Ava with a high-five. It made her grin to find the older girl ready and waiting for the slap of their palms in midair. And it was a crisp one, to their mutual satisfaction.

The announcer just couldn't let it go, either, "Chasers Ember McKinnon and Ava Battle from opposing teams greet in an unusual high-five! Two of the best Chasers Ilvermorny's seen in years, so, what a friendship!"

Ember rolled her eyes, and she could swear she saw Ava's shoulders shaking with laughter. The referee below whistled to get their attention, and the fourteen players looked down at the man, his white uniform stark against the green of the grass.

"Play a clean game, all of you."

Ember certainly had no intention of playing clean. She wasn't going to break the rules, but... no, a clean game wasn't in her plans. She wondered why the man even bothered to request such a thing from fourteen bloodthirsty teenagers. 

The referee went on to explain, "I'd rather not see any more trips to the medic wing."

With that, he leaned down to release the bludgers and the snitch, which made a mocking circle around Elsa's head. But the game wasn't officially underway until the referee pulled the Quaffle out of the box and lobbed it high into the air.

Beau grabbed it, thankfully.

But it was clear that Thunderbird had leveled up this year. They no longer had the same Keeper from the year before, the cocky one who couldn't back up his bragging. No, this boy was zeroed in on the Quaffle, and his hand shot out easily to block Beau's shot.

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