5- Dear Olympus, Please Tell Me That I'm Going Insane

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The two days at the Dashwood-Gregor residence passed in a hurry. While Indigo and Elijah packed, Ember busied herself with getting a start on her school books, trying to figure out what all they'd be learning this year. She and Indigo had talked late into the first night about Ember's recent visions, what they might mean for the coming school year. But the truth was that visions were unpredictable and often not decipherable until events actually unfolded. They both hoped that this year, no one would be out for Ember's life. 

Sooner than she expected, Ember found herself on the train bound to Ilvermorny. She and Indigo had made themselves comfortable in their compartment just moments before multiple dark haired people burst in like a hurricane. Already arguing, or maybe continuing the argument that they'd been having before getting onto the train. The four voices overlapped each other with insults and snarky comments that Ember only understood half of. 

"Leave me alone, Luis, I have my own friends that-"

"You don't have friends, you don't even have a life, Gilipollas-"

"No me llamas ese nombre, Luis!"

"Te llamare como quiera, el cabron!"

"Why can't we just go our separate ways, we'd all-"

"It's not like I won't see your ugly cabeza  the second we get there, Raquel."

To Ember's surprise, it was Indigo who raised her voice, eyes wide and overwhelmed, "Shut UP!"

All four Feliz siblings fell quiet and turned to Indigo. Addy's family, they were an interesting bunch. They all looked quite similar with wide brown eyes and the same red-brown hair, but that was where the commonalities began and ended. Obviously they were all raised in the same household by the same people, but they came out so different that only Raquel and Addy were in the same House at Ilvermorny. Elena and Luis were twins, and even they had been separated into Pukwudgie and Thunderbird, respectively. 

"Hello to the snakes," Luis bowed dramatically, only greeted with an eye roll by the four Horned Serpent women currently in the crowded compartment. 

"Hello to you too, glorified pigeon," Ember snarked back at the seventh year boy, known for his unwavering sense of humor. 

Addy came and plopped down beside Ember, tucking her luggage under the seat. Ember noticed a crate among Addy's pile of bags, but didn't see what was inside before the girl sat. Luis wasn't swayed by the blonde girl's sass, and only applauded her before making his exit from the compartment, "I'm gonna go find Andy and Rohan."

Thunderbird friends, probably. 

"Yeah, as nice as it is to see you girls," Raquel started, smiling at Ember and Indigo, "my boyfriend is waiting for me somewhere, so, I'll see you later, Chiquitas."

That left only Elena, the oldest sibling (if only by twenty minutes), standing there, rubbing the spot between her eyes as if trying to erase a budding headache. She and Luis were graduating this year, taking their HARE tests and everything. Ember had no doubt the girl was nervous about it. Those tests kind of determined your possibilities for the future. 

"Try not to start anymore fights, Ads," Elena said despairingly, "at least not until I don't have to be around to listen."

Addy glared at her oldest sister, "Luis started it, not me."

Elena just shook her head and opened the door to the compartment. She smiled over her shoulder at Ember and Indigo, "Hi girls, keep a leash on her, would ya?"

The door clicked shut.

The three roommates only turned to each other and grinned, melting into a group hug in the middle of the compartment. Reading their letters wasn't the same as seeing her friends here in front of her.  

Golden Girl: The Missing Piece (2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz