7- In Which a Messenger of Hades Really Bums Me Out

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"Now, the only position on this team that is one hundred percent up for grabs is Keeper," Beau shouted out at the crowds of Horned Serpents, gathered on the Quidditch field, "and you can't beat me out, as I'm Captain. The five remaining positions... well, you'll have to prove to me that you're better than last year's team."

The team in question waited near the front of the crowd. Elsa, Kanza, Justin, Orion, and Ember all stood with their brooms comfortably propped up against their bodies. Ember didn't snicker at Beau's speech, because as confident as she was in her own abilities, she also knew that there was always someone better, smarter, faster than you. She had every intention to bring it today, just as she had the year before. 

They'd already completed the on-ground part of tryouts, and a good number of the hopefuls were already sitting in the stands, having been kicked off the pitch. The mandatory run and obstacle course was even easier than she remembered it being. Hopefully, people would chalk it up to her working on Quidditch over the summer. 

"As always, we're going to run Chaser drills first, mobility and awareness mostly. So if you're not trying out for Chaser, please have a seat on the grass and I'll get back to you."

Beau made eye contact with Elsa specifically, the seventh year girl looking just as intimidating as Ember remembered, "Hernandez, you're in charge of calling cuts."

She jerked her chin in acceptance of her new role. Ember could have sworn someone behind her groaned that Beau should be making the decisions. Ember wanted to roll her eyes. Beau and Elsa had played together for five years, if there was anyone's opinion that the Captain trusted, it was Elsa's. 

Beau let his broom pull him upwards, "Chasers, fall in behind me, diamond formation."

Ember and Kanza were both quick to launch off the ground, following Beau into the air, landing on either side of the Captain. Though the many other students trying to land a Chaser position rose up behind the trio, they still spared a moment to look at each other and smile. This was the team that had done the impossible last year, overturned a decade long losing streak and did it honorably and fairly. Ember had missed the sense of rightness that fell upon her whenever she flew hip-to-hip with Kanza and Beau.

Once all the Chaser hopefuls were up in the air, Beau amplified his voice to shout out commands. First, general ones like 'right' and 'left,' 'dive' and 'climb.' 

Elsa's voice, also amplified, was kept busy by bringing those who failed to the ground. 

"Erin! Winn! You're out! Yeah, you too Edwards! Uh, blonde boy with the blue sneakers, I don't know your name but you're out!"

The next time Beau called for everyone to turn a long left, someone large that Ember didn't see, had the nerve to fly right into her. Not for the first time, Ember wished that she were a little bigger so she couldn't be shoved around so easily. She would have careened directly into Kanza, but they'd spent so much time flying that he easily looped around Ember and her 'attacker' before settling at Beau's other flank. Though unintentional, he and Ember had effectively switched places. 

Ember turned to stare at the kid who'd run into her. Dark eyes wide with what almost looked like fear, the older boy shook his head helplessly, unable to speak despite his flapping mouth. Ember simply raised her eyebrows at him and pointed at the ground below. He dropped below the formation obediently. She didn't watch long enough to see him land. 

"Cold, McKinnon," Kanza tutted from her right side.

Beau turned over a shoulder, having missed the whole thing, "She kick someone to the ground?"

Ember just shrugged, "He's wasting his time here, trust me."

Beau snorted, "Alas, somehow I do trust you."

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