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It's been two weeks in this place, my studies have been going fine. Me and jasmine have argued a lot

She always messes up my bed or just want to start a fight with me and I'm not having it. She still sees that jerk, I overheard her arguing with him on the phone, I think he cheated on her or something

Well, apart from the drama she is causing, my life is great. I'm really starting to like joe but I won't actually tell him. I thought he was just taking a course of mine but he actually studies foreign language too

I'm starting to get really paranoid about Clara, maybe it's just instincts but she's quite weird, always watching me and jasmine.

I returned to my dorm quite early today, my last lecture had been cancelled. I just want to sleep for the rest of today

I got in bed and watched TikTok for a while before deciding to sleep.

Jasmine walked in with a huge orange cat and placed it on her bed "is that yours?" I asked her "yeah" she smiled

"I'm sorry but I don't like cats" i said "I don't care if you don't like cats, it's mine and you don't have to like it"

"Why will you buy a cat when you share a room with three other people, the least you can do is ask us" i said "I don't have to ask for your permission before getting anything" she shouted

"I'll go tell the authorities if you keep that here, it says no pets allowed" I smiled "ugh you are such a bitch" she shouted

I watched her as she picked up her phone and called her boyfriend, like she does whenever she has an issue

"Hey babe, the grade A bitch in my room told me cats aren't allowed and she will tell the authorities if I keep it here" she said "are you sure?" She asked

"Thank you so much babe, I'll bring it to your apartment this evening" she smiled

"Can you get off my back now, I'm going to take it out later" she shouted

The day got dark quick and I needed something to eat, I went to joes burger place, I don't think he owns the place.

"Hey there beautiful, what would you like me to get you?" He smiled "I would like a beef burger, large fries and a large Pepsi"

"I'm sorry but we can't get you a beef burger" he said "why?" He smiled at me "well, I'm not on the menu. Everyone wants a bite of me these days" he gestured to his costume

We both laughed, I took a seat and waited for my food, which didn't take long

"Hey" joe came with two plates and he had taken off the burger costume "hey are you sure it's okay to be out of your costume" I laughed

"Yea I'm out of the stupid shit" he took a seat "i actually like the costume" I smiled, I always smile when I'm when with him

"Why do you like the costume?" He leaned forward "well, it's nice to be served your burger by a burger"

"Until the burger thinks you want him, every one that comes in here tell a burger they want it, they want to taste me" he smiled "you're very delusional and delicious" i laughed

"I don't know how to say this" he abruptly said "what?"

"I..... I want you to be my girlfriend" he looked directly at me "I'll need a few days to think about it" I smiled "wait you'll actually consider being my girlfriend?"he beamed

"Yeah" I smiled, we chatted for a while before he escorted me back to my dorms

I happily skipped up to my room, it's quite late and they may be sleeping. I don't want to wake anyone up, I quietly got in

Jasmine's bed is still laid, she didn't come back after giving him her cat, there's just something weird about that guy. It's not my business, I'm not meant to care but I do, I wish i didn't.

I took a quick bath, daydreamed about joe a lot then I fell asleep

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