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"We have to go now" she screamed from downstairs, it's five in the morning, my head aches and I just want to sleep but my mum is an early bird

I quickly drag my bags downstairs and into the car, going back in for some water and to look round one last time. The flight was quick and smooth, my mum left at the airport, she would have followed me here but two flight tickets cost a lot

"New student eh?" The cab driver said "Yh" I replied and put my air pods in, it may seem rude but I don't like small talks with people I don't know

The school building is magnificent, I don't know how my mum affords this but she makes sure to give me the best every time

Immediately when the cab stopped, a man with a huge trolley put my bags on it.

"Good morning" I greeted the receptionist "my name is Annabelle stevens and I would like to get my dorm room"

"Hi and welcome to cradbury university" she smiled "your dorm room is uhhhhh 324" she said while typing " and here is your room key" she gave me a key with a huge key holder

I took the key and made my way to the room, I hope my roommates are nice. My room is far down the corridor, on the left side of the hall

I am the only one in this room for now, so I get to chose a bed. They're three beds in this room so far, one underneath the window, one on the left side of the room and one on the right

I took the one on the left because it was shielded by a wall,  the sun couldn't penetrate it, so I'll be able to sleep in the daytime

I quickly made my bed before sitting on it, I don't know who or what has touched that before. I laid my floral bedsheets and pillow case, laying my comforter and blanket

I picked the right side of the wardrobe, it was a huge wardrobe that was shared into three places. I hung my clothes and folded the rest

I laid my books on the reading table beside my bed and went to take a bath. Some rooms don't have bathrooms in it and some have, the ones with bathrooms are more expensive. I can't imagine sharing a room with a full hostel and it's for both boys and girls

I wrapped my thick curly hair in a towel after my bath, it's going to take hours to dry. I put on a night wear and went to bed

The shuffling sounds and hushed whispers woke me up, i slowly turned around, not wanting to alert whoever that is

There are two girls, one is quite short with beautiful blonde hair and green eyes while the other is tall with black short hair and blue eyes

"Hey" I quietly said while sitting up "hey, I'm jasmine" the short one said "I'm Clara" the tall one said

I only nodded in response, I don't know how to hold a conversation. "What are you studying?" Jasmine asked while folding her clothes "I'm studying foreign languages" i said

"Oh that's nice. I'm studying international relations and I'm taking a course of yours too" she happily said. Her bubbly nature is something I admire, she is like a glowing rose in a garden

"I'm studying English language" Clara quietly said. She seems so timid and quiet, like the opposite of jasmine. "That's nice, I'm taking a course of yours" I smiled at Clara

"Do you know any fast food restaurant around?" I asked them "Yh there is one very close to the dorm, I also want to get something to eat maybe we can go together?" Jasmine suggested while looking at Clara and me

"Ok" we both agreed.

I quickly put on something modest and comfortable, leaving my hair in an afro.

We got to a small homey burger restaurant, it had a beautiful brown aesthetics and the cashier wore this huge burger costume that made me smile

"Hey what can I get for you?" He smiled, showing two beautiful dimples "a beef burger, large fries and a large coke " I ordered and waited for the both of them to get order before grabbing a seat

"Oh I'm so happy, I thought my roommate was going to be some kind of snobby teenager or a drug addict" jasmine smiled and Clara cringed

"I didn't know what to expect" i said "I always know what to expect, I like having expectations" she said

"Most times I have expect things, the outcome is always beneath my expectations making me feel like I am not enough, so I don't like expecting stuff" I said

I'm glad our food arrived quickly, I need to get ready for my first college class

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