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I have been trying to locate my first class for the past three hours, walking round college can be exhausting.

I walked into a hall and there my class was, in all it's glory, the words 'FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTRE' were written above it in bold letters

I took a seat while avoiding eye contact with everyone in class, I pulled out my book and waited for the lecturer

"Hey Anna, is it okay for me to call you that?" Clara said while sitting beside me. There is just something off about her

Her quiet and calm demeanour is just something to be paranoid about, I don't think I trust her yet to be friends with her.

"Yeah it's okay" I smiled ,dismissing the paranoid thoughts. She smiled and took a seat, the course is quite easy, French conversation.

After class, I quietly packed my bags and made my way to the next class "Umm hey can I talk to you for a sec?" Clara said "yeah what's wrong?"

"Im very bad at learning new languages, can you tutor me in this course later in our dorm?" She asked "okay, I'll try" I smiled

I find it really odd that she needs a tutor after the first class but maybe she just wants to be over prepared

"Hey" a guy sat beside me "burger boy" I gasped, the guy that served me burger is also my course mate "I find it disturbing that you know me as burger boy"

"You never told me a name" I smiled "joe, my name is joe, can you grace me with the knowledge of knowing yours?" He asked "my name is Annabelle" I smiled

Joe is a really cute guy, I know I said no distractions but I think a friend is necessary if not compulsory

Class went by fast, my cheeks ache with how much joe kept me smiling, the best part was that if I ever got lost he always explained it to me

"Can I take you on a date? Just us friends getting something to eat" he smiled " oh I don't know" I said trying to come up with an excuse

"Please" he pleaded "okay" i smiled

"Tomorrow evening then?" He asked "yeah sure" I laughed

I hopped off to my dorm room, very excited for tomorrow. I have never been out with a friend before and with how amazing today was with him, I'm sure tomorrow will be better

I got into my room and sat bed own on my bed, smiling and thinking about tomorrow

"So I'll see you later right" a guy said, snapping me out of my day dream. There was a guy laying on jasmine's bed with her, I don't think guys are allowed here

"Yeah sure" she smiled before giving him a deep kiss. He walked out of the room while she remained on the bed, a huge smile playing on her face

" that was my boyfriend, Noah" she said "isn't it too early to have a boyfriend?" I asked her, her smile faded away

"Look, you might be the perfect daughter and student or even a fucking nun but don't think you can control my life. Talking about being too early, what the fuck do you know about relationships?" She squinted her eyes

"I'm not trying to control your life, you're my roommate, I'm just trying to look out for you, it's not that serious" I sighed "well I don't need you looking out for me, Noah loves me" she said

"No one falls in love that fast, he may like you but not love you, he doesn't know you well enough" I said

"Do you mean no one can love me, you deem me unlovable" she said "I don't need your stupid opinions, keep them to yourself, don't stick your nose where you aren't involved"

"Keep on bringing him here then I'm involved, it's my room just as much as it is yours but you don't see me bringing in an idiotic looking boy. If you don't want me involved keep him out" I said, getting pissed

"How dare you call my boyfriend an idiot?" She shouted "you are just a stupid girl that is so tied up in her mothers clutches and can't seem to make a life for herself" she shouted

I was about to reply when Clara walked in, abruptly stopping when she noticed the rifling tension in the room "is something wrong?" She asked "shut up Clara" jasmine said while walking out of the room

Ughhhhhh I need a cold bath

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