Chapter 9- Katie *

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We talk all through the meals, Axel didn't let me leave his lap the entire time, so I was forced to eat with him.

“I’m Katie by the way” I whisper when I've unloaded all the trauma that's happened to me. The men all look deep in thought so I'm not sure if they heard me.

The one that I haven't spoken to yet who's sat with us is getting twitchy, his knee bouncing under the table. He listened with the rest intently but said nothing. Daemon slides out of the booth, going to the counter whipping out a wad of bills to pay and the others we we're riding with start to gather their stuff.

I get up, my body protesting after days of travelling and head over to the bathroom to splash my face and relieve myself, when I come out Daemon is waiting lent against a wall. He doesn’t say anything walking ahead. Guess I'm supposed to follow!

He stands by his bike, everyone else already mounted and starting to pull away. A4s I approach, he hands me a bundle of fabric, not wanting to be caught out again like the unknown panties situation, I unfold it to find he's given me a black t-shirt, I've warmed up a little being sat inside, the suns up but the cold outside has my teeth chattering. I pull the top over my head, it's long enough to be a dress but the extra layer instantly makes me feel better.

The strip as you come into Philadelphia starts at skid row on the outskirts of the city and runs all the way to their compound on the other side. A row of shops occupies the centre.

We come up to a chain fence perimeter of a lot and some young-looking bikers have the gate open before we get close, all the bikes roar onto the open tarmac inside. An old motel that looks like it’s been extended to fit their purpose is in the middle, the apartments still set behind. A newly built structure that's being used as a garage off to the left.

My body feels heavy, the ride was long, and I’m frozen through. The sky is already starting to get dark again. Daemons stopped, his feet planted on the floor, I try to lift myself off the bike but stumble, Rocky reaches out and grabs me before I can face plant on the floor. He bends down hooking his arm under my knees to lift me princess style into his arms, walking towards the central building. I’m too tired to argue, my eyes already drooping. I must have drifted in and out during the ride back as it’s all a blur, muffled voices reach my ears, but my blinks become slower, I'm too tired to open them fully. I must be drifting again as it feels like no time has passed when soft sheets are pulled over me. I feel lips on my forehead.

“Sleep kitten” his gentle voice whispers into my skin.

I’m gone by the time I hear a door clicking shut.

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