Chapter 8- Katie

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I sit in the booth next to Daemon, my body is cold to the bone, and I feel like my boobs should be made of stone with how solid they are. I spent the last couple of hours thinking about my situation. Things could have gone much worse, and in a weird, twisted way, these guys are my saviours.

Yes, I'm freaked out that I know at least Rocky can turn into a giant cougar, I'm guessing he isn't the only one in the group with the fact nobody wore a helmet, they are all in t-shirt and jeans with just their cuts and they all don’t seem to be tired like I am. But I'm going to need a shit ton of alcohol and at least a shower before I start unravelling that brain scramble.

“Sssooooooooo” I trail off looking at everyone at the table. Rocky is beaming from ear to ear, his deep brown eyes looking into my own, searching. His blonde man bun is messy after the ride, some strands flowing down his face making me want to reach out and push them off his stubbled skin. Such a beautiful face shouldn’t be hidden.

Daemon is scowling at me, his Hazel eyes almost slits on his bearded face, which is a shame because I thought after being his bike bitch, we'd grown closer. He's bigger than the rest, his tattooed arms thicker than my legs.

Axel isn't paying anyone attention as he types on his phone, his short black hair shaven at the sides making the top look longer than it is, his tanned skin glows from the light coming in through the large glass window, lighting him up like a Greek god, just the sight of them makes my mouth water. Down girl

Maybe I have some form of Stockholm syndrome, or that thing where girls are so scared, they get turned on. Whatever is happening I’m staring at these guys like they are my next meal. Right on cue a waitress comes over with a pen and pad, chomping loudly on a piece of gum she blows a bubble that pops whilst she waits for us to give our orders. I pick up my menu as my stomach lets out a loud angry growl.

“Burger, fries and a Coke for me” I smile tightly at the lady as she writes it down. I wait for the guys to argue about feeding the captive, but they start reeling off their own orders without batting an eye, the menus are gathered as she walks away to pin it to the kitchen and take the rest of the crews’ orders.

I tried to observe as much as I could during the ride, in case I'd need it when we stopped, details on how they looked and names or where we were. I debated running, but I realised where would I go? Back to my crap job that barely paid for my shitty apartment, no thanks. If living with my loose mother taught me anything it was to make the most out of any situation and so far this one wasn't too bad. It could have been worse.

Running my clammy palms down my legs I realise how grubby I am after days of travelling, still feeling the ick from the dirty underwear Axel had me wipe the blood off my face with I shoot him a glare, he carries on typing oblivious to my scowl. Shuddering at the thought of what was on them and who they belonged to. If I get pink eye, I won’t rest until I infect him!

I sit in the awkward silence not sure what to say. Opting to reach for some cutlery from the sauce pot, I stretch across Daemon brushing his thighs with my own, my skin warming with his touch. As I lean across the table Axel sits straighter in his seat, his nostrils flare and he shoves Daemon back to grab me by the throat pulling me towards him. Rocky let's out a little whine like his favourite toy has just been taken off him, my hands scramble at the table as I fall backwards a gasp leaving me at the sudden change of atmosphere. The diner is silent as Axel runs his nose over my neck, then down to my shoulder where he takes a deep sniff.

“This is weird even by my standards” I choke out, grabbing at his fingers.

“I’m only going to ask you this once wildcat. Where did you get this t-shirt from” Axel’s voice is deeper than normal, a growl in my ear, vibrating through my back pressed to his chest. I feel a tingle run down my spine at the feel of his warm breath on me, his fingers tightening on my windpipe, this is not the time to be feeling things but try telling my fucked-up brain that as the tingle spreads to between my legs. Definitely the scared turned on.

“Maybe loosen your grip so she can talk” Daemon doesn't seem fazed by the violent change, his voice almost bored when he looks at me being choked out across the bench seat. I glare at my new bestie for not helping and give him a little kick. He grunts and I feel satisfied that at least he's suffering with me.

Axel’s hand loosens on my throat but he doesn’t let go, I take a gulp of air and look around the table. Everyone is staring at me waiting for something, I'm not sure what. My eyes shift from person to person, and I feel the word vomit start up as the nerves kick back in.

“I was taken from work, tried fighting back and lost my shoes, they tied me to a pipe then pushed me into a shipping container, they had it packed with drugs that got on me, actually fell on me but potato potahto. There were kids who I got high.” I ramble out. His hand tightens again, and I feel heat rushing to my face at the thought that after everything, this might be how I die. I try to swallow and close my eyes, my throat too constricted to work. I start to panic and fumble with my folded over waistband, grabbing the nail scissors I've manage to keep hidden I grasp them in my fist and stab aimlessly in his direction.

His grip on me disappears, opening my eyes I see the shiny metal sticking out of the back of his hand and push to try and escape but he pulls me back, sitting me in his lap.

“sshhhhh” he soothes, placing both hands on either side of my face. His thumb strokes my cheeks slightly and I feel the sting from the cut as his calluses catch on the fresh scab. I feel the drip of his blood on my shoulder.

Rocky burst out laughing slapping the table with his palm. “Fuck, I knew she'd be fun! Where did you have those hidden kitten? Please tell me there’s more!” He reaches out with gimmie hands, like it's his turn to play but Axel draws me closer.

Seemingly satisfied with my answer Axel leans back and looks me in the eyes, his hands slide down from my face to my neck and shoulders then down my arms. He looks amused as well, placing his palm on my knee I feel nauseous at the sight of the curved handles standing from his skin. He uses his other hand to pull the scissors from his fist in one swift move without flinching. I watch in fascination as the skin starts to knit together straight away, the flow of blood stopping.

He turns the scissors in his hand and gives them back to me handle first, still coated in blood. I take them on autopilot not looking at him but still staring at his meat hook resting on my knee.

“Next time look when you aim” his tone is light. I must look like a cartoon character as I stare at him, dumbfounded at what I've just seen. He chuckles at my shock and then reaches up to stroke his thumb over my scabby cheek again with his now healed hand.

“How did you get this wildcat” His voice turns gruff, I look up to see his eyes flashing yellow, I thought the time I saw them inside the auction was my imagination but now I realise they must all be special. His pupils narrow into a thin line and my mouth falls open.

“I need you to tell me everything” he says gently cupping my cheek, the rage that was in his voice before gone. The yellow eases, the forest green of his irises returning. His eyes flick to Rocky who has his phone in hand set to record and I get the sense that this is more than just a stripper’s ramblings, this is important to them, and I don't know why, but I want to help.

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