Chapter 3- Katie

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My eyes are closed, my hands planted on the cold floor I try to focus on my breathing so I don’t start to panic, people are crying the sounds of their sniffling gasping breathes fill the silent metal cage, I can hear things rustling in the boxes surrounding us as we hit bumps in the road. The young child close to me is sobbing heavy now whilst the older boy shushes him.

I feel somebody touching my hand and snap my eyes open, I peer into a pair of glowing yellow orbs squinting I try to make out what I’m seeing but can’t see anything beyond the dull light.

“I need you to help me calm the young ones near you whilst I look after this woman. She hit her head coming in and isn’t doing too well” a soft melodic voice speaks.

“Urm oooook, yeah sure. I can’t see a thing though, pass me one of the lights.” I frown, taking my hand from under her palm and holding it out. A small tinkering laugh comes from her direction, and the orbs flicker.

“I’m afraid they’re attached; I’ll show you over. Just talk to them.” She takes my hand again and guides me about a foot behind where I’m sat. I crawl closer until my hand touches a small foot. Scooting so I’m sat right next to them, I bring my arm to rest over the young boys’ shoulders, he flinches at my touch but doesn’t pull away. I'm so cold that his warmth seeps into my frozen skin.

“Hey guys, is it ok if I come sit here? I’m a little scared. It's ok to be scared you know, even adults get frightened. I mean, I look like an adult, but you're probably more mature than me” I scoff at myself “My names Katie by the way, I just got here. I don’t like it very much, one star, would not recommend on trip advisor” As my eyes adjust a little to the dark, I look at the kids next to me and see a slight outline of them staring at me. “I’m rambling, aren’t I? I do that when I’m nervous” I smile.

“Why are you naked?” A little voice comes from the boy’s lap. aaahh crap

The boy shushes the child again, and I laugh, a little manic when it goes on too long to be comfortable for anyone, which just makes me laugh more at the awkwardness of this whole situation. Wiping my eyes after my hysteric episode I try to look down at my body but can only see the odd sparkle from my sarong where a slight bit of light hits it, looking around I see five sets of those glowing orbs in the container. Somebody is retching on the opposite side, and more people have started to murmur to each other, probably freaked out by the insane laughter. With my arm still around the kid, I notice he’s leaned into me slightly; I smile to myself that at least I’ve managed to do something right.

We go over a pothole in the road, and a box falls off a stack behind us, hitting me in the back. Cursing internally, I push it away, my hand comes away dusty, so I wipe it on my bikini top.

“You all ok?” The woman asks, pointing the orbs towards us.

“Yeah, I’m good. These guys are looking after me.” I give the kid a little squeeze, and he eases into me some more. I feel a small hand on my knee and know the child in his lap has gotten closer, too. I’m smashing this babysitting job.

“Katie, was it?” The woman questions. “Could you come here a sec, please. I just need a hand quickly” I look down towards where the outline of the kids is.

“I’ll be right back ok guys, keep my space warm” The little hand leaves my knee and I take my arm from around the kid to crawl towards the direction I heard her voice come from, I feel around on the floor being careful not to grope anyone or give a flash of my barely covered ass, I touch something near the glowing orbs and then feel another hand touch my arm.

“It’s just me” she says, quieter this time. I hear shuffling as she moves closer. “That box that fell, did you touch it?” she whispers in my ear.

“Urm, I pushed it away. It hit me on the back, kinda hurt actually” I whisper back, reaching behind me to rub the sore spot.

“Ok, well that box was full of drugs, and I’m guessing something split when it fell because you now have coke all over your boobs.” She explains.

I freeze. “What the fuck” I whisper yell as I start franticly groping my chest to try and wipe off the substance. “I barely have these clothes and now I’m coked up… I was hugging fucking kids with drugs on me! oh my god what if I got them high through contact, I’m a pathogenic drug dealer! I’m going to jail... Well, I will be if I don’t die” I panic, whisper shouting at the woman and letting out a little whimper.

She pats me on the leg. How is she so calm. Shit did I get her high too?

“Take a breath Katie. I’m going to give you my t-shirt, its dark so nobody will see you change. Its ok, I have a crop top underneath so you won’t be leaving me with nothing, but I can’t let you wear that, we don’t know where were going and it will look really bad if your covered in their product.” She must see my hesitation as she reassures me.

Her hand leaves me for a minute, and I hear her fidgeting next to me before cotton is pressed into my hands. I reach back to undo my bikini and a low growl sounds from next to me. I flinch away in case there’s some animal in here with us. The orbs closest to us go out making it pitch black in our little area. I reach back again and undo the knot of my top quickly leaving my chest free and then push the cotton t-shirt over my head and pull it down before the creature can chomp my tit off. It’s a little snug on my boobs but at least I’m a little more covered with it going over my stomach too and less chance of a nip slip.

“Thank you” I tell her “I don’t know why you’re helping me but I really appreciate it” I reach out to give her hand a squeeze. I hope it was her hand anyway.

The vehicle comes to a stop. Everyone going silent again and I shuffle back towards the kids, when my hand touches them, I get closer until I’ve got them both in my arms and hold them tight. They both cling to me as my heart pounds.

Clanging comes from the wall to our right, and then a door is opened, bathing the room in light. I see the woman next to me clearly now, her bright green eyes and tan skin contrasting her dark hair. The older woman on the floor is still unconscious and it looks like she’s paler than when we left.

Some boxes get shuffled by the open door until there’s an opening allowing more light to come inside, everyone close to it shuffles away making it more cramped where we sit. A woman in a suit and heels comes into the doorway, she looks down at a clipboard then turns behind her to talk to somebody.

“We were allocated eight from this batch, grab the ones I point out” She instructs turning back to look at us with a cynical look. Her French manicured hand reaches out and she points at three of the girls on the opposite side, two men muscle their way into the container and drag the girls out screaming. Her gaze travels in our direction and people cringe away, she lifts her hand again and points that white tipped nail right at me. Fuck

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