Chapter 5- Axel

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It was a long drive from Philadelphia to Atlanta, we barely stopped but we finally pull into the carpark of the lock up outside the city with a rumble of bikes.

It's busy and there's lots of chatter coming from inside. Cutting the engine and dismounting everyone looks at me, we're expecting some heat when people realise who we are, so we all start checking guns, knives and even knuckle dusters. We're not afraid to get our hands dirty and we will if we find they are the ones that took Bonnie. We remove our cuts for extra measure, the insignia across the back clear to everyone.

I nod my head to my brothers and saying nothing we head towards the front door. I can scent the snake in the air as we approach the man stood guard with his arms folded. "Name" his deep voice demands. I don't give him a chance to alert anyone of our presence, using my speed I grab his head with my palms either side and with one quick twist breaking his neck, we push past before his body hits the floor.

There's a small entrance with a heavy metal door to get in, when we open it I'm not expecting to see the glitz that greets us. Fucking rich assholes. Red carpet covers the floor and chandeliers hang from the ceiling giving a low glowing light in the big open space. Tables have been set up with clusters of chairs all facing a stage at the back of the room.

"What the fuck is this?" Daemon hisses on a whisper.

A man in a horrible purple velvet tux, with black silk trim steps up on the stage holding a microphone. I lead the way over to an empty section near the back of the room, partially hidden in the shadows. Cigar smoke is thick on the air and the smell of alcohol strong, dulling my shifter senses.

"Ladies and Gentlemen" the speakers voice booms over everyone, quiet rippling through the crowd. "The Velenos welcome you to their monthly meat auction" He smiles at the crowd spreading his arms out like a true showman. The light shines off his gelled hair as much as the shiny collars of his tux, "We have some rare gems to be won tonight so open your wallets and get ready to bid!" Gesturing to the side of the stage a group of women are prodded up the steps to stand in a line behind him like cattle to a slaughter.

"She's not there" Rockys voice is barely a breath, but I hear it and clasp his shoulder.

"Easy brother" I give him a gentle squeeze. He's quick to anger and the last thing we need is to draw attention in an unknown crowd. Turning back to the stage my eyes are drawn to one woman, she stands slightly away from the rest of them a splatter of blood coats her pale skin causing me to frown, her hair hangs tangled emphasising her long slim neck. Her big blue eyes reflect in the dim lighting, and I can't turn away.

I sniff the air to get an idea of what we're dealing with, but the scents are overpowered.

"First up we have this lovely specimen" the speaker continues, a woman in a black tube dress and bright red lips on stage is pushed to stand next to him, he places a hand on her shoulder then changes his mind straight after touching her and wipes it on his trousers. "Do we have an opening bid" his Cheshire cat grin returns to his face as he beams at the crowd, numbers start being called out, people shouting over each other.

Daemon leans close to where I'm still holding Rockys shoulder so we can both hear him. "what's the plan?" He asks, voice low so we can't be heard. Both of their eyes fixed on the stage.

My instincts are screaming at me to not lose this auburn beauty who has me captivated. My body starts to purr, a low rumble vibrating through our group.


The auction ends for the current person and it's her turn to be pushed forward, her fists are clenched at her sides, I smile as the little wildcat glares pissed off at the crowd, declaring retribution if they dare to try and buy her.

Well, that's just what I decide to do, before the showman can even get the crowd started I stand and head closer to the stage, milling my way through the tables. I can feel my brothers at my back, good leaders don't need to command, loyal followers don't need orders. Everyone is silent as I release my full aura to assert power and dominance over anyone wanting to challenge me, if she's a shifter she will sense it too but staring into her defiant eyes she doesn't even flinch.

I smirk. "Five hundred thousand dollars" my deep voice booms, the showman is flustered not sure what to do. His eyes flicking from him to the crowd, to the other workers. I have no intention of actually fucking paying him anything, but I need the excuse to get closer and make my move.

"Six hundred" comes another voice to my right. Pausing my prowl, I stop to look at who dares to try and bid against me. My purr turns higher pitch, a warning hiss to the suited man still sat down smoking.

"Seven hundred" I grind out. The man puts out his cigar and stands, straightening his suit, he steps around the chairs of his acquaintances to walk over to me. He stares me down, a clear challenge and I feel my hackles rising in response. As the man gets closer his scent becomes clearer, damp wood, grass and dirt. Wolf

Before he gets a chance to counter bid the sound of ripping cloth comes from behind. Rockys cream cougar form pounces at the man whose eyes go wide before he shifts himself into a giant grey wolf. All hell breaks out as the women on stage start to scream, animals are fighting, snarls and hisses fill the air as more shift to join in the brawl. Tables are turned over and feet pound on the floor from people trying to get away.

Daemon curses like a sailor trying to wrestle Rocky back, some of the prospects jumping in the fray to help. I bring both hands up running them over my short black hair, this was not how this was supposed to go. Looking around I see my little wildcat spraying approaching people with a fire extinguisher. I let out a loud bark of a laugh and stomp over to her.

"Stay the fuck back!" Her voice is quiet but firm. My eyes flash yellow with desire at her bravado, she gives an audible gulp and then lets loose, spraying me directly in the face. I splutter trying to escape her onslaught. The attack relents not long after and I hear the clang of the metal hitting the floor.

"Fucking move it" Daemon snaps, he's got the woman hauled over his shoulder and is storming towards the entrance.

"Put me down!" she screams thrashing at his back. He gives her a smack on the butt, keeping his other clamped tightly over her thighs. She stills momentarily stunned before going hell for leather kicking, punching and pulling his hair. Daemon moves his head to the side in annoyance like a fly is buzzing around him and he's not being beaten by a fully grown woman.

Slipping on my knuckle dusters we make our way to the door, I get some punches in with a few dickheads that are brave enough to try and stop us, not bothering to see if they stay down as we power through. Once we're back out in the cold, we waste no time getting on our bikes. Daemon has her in his lap riding side saddle so he can keep a hold on her and stop her escaping. Rocky comes running out as naked as the day he was born whooping as we all turn and get out of this hell hole.

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