Chapter 7- Daemon

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My hand is clasped down on her thigh as she sits sideways in my lap, my other doing the steering on the throttle. Why the fuck did I grab her?

I saw the way Axel looked at her, like he'd gone feral. I get it, she’s all auburn hair, big Disney eyes and curves, if that wasn’t enough, she smells like fucking Catnip. Her body's stiff as we take corners, hightailing it out of the outskirts of Atlanta as fast as we can. Nobody seems to be following but that doesn't mean they won't. I keep my gun at my hip, and I will let her drop if it means having to shoot. Probably

My fingers clench slightly, and she flinches. “Relax, you’re going to make us fall” I growl into her ear, my beard tickles the exposed skin of her neck making her shiver. She sighs and leans into me, fuck me the feel of her side pressed against my chest  shouldn't get me hard, but it does, I'm sporting a rock solid stiffy that is hard enough to use as a bludgeon right now. I have to slide back slightly in the saddle, so she doesn’t feel the rod between my legs and get scared.

I peek down at the little treat snuggled into me, noticing her nipples are poking out through her t-shirt and I can't help but groan. It's clear she isn't wearing a bra under that thin material.

She coughs awkwardly and peers up at me, her big blue eyes staring straight into my soul, “so, are we going to talk about the fact your buddy can turn into a cat? Does everyone know, or are you guys as surprised as I am? Or how about that I was just kidnapped after being kidnapped? I don't know what you call that or what you guys are hoping to get from me...” She's rambling but her voice is like a melody I could listen to all day. No bra my brain reminds me.

My body starts to purr without me meaning to, she instantly stops talking and tries to shuffle away slightly. “It's just the bike” I lie as shocked as she is. She nods slightly leaning back in reluctantly. I'm trying to keep my focus on the road but knowing her delectable nipples are within reach makes it difficult.

Rocky meows to our right, both of us turn to see him wiggling his eyebrows, thrusting so his flaccid dick swings on the bike.

“For fuck sake Rocky!” I snap, shouting over the wind. I feel the body in my lap start to shake  panicking I look down thinking she's finally snapped and cowering from the crazy bastard after seeing him shift and now attempting to flirt, but I realise she’s laughing. Not a small feminine giggle, her eyes are running with a hand clasped over her mouth to stop herself from letting out a noise until she tries catching her breath and lets out a great big snort which causes her barely held together composure to burst and she starts howling with laughter.

My focus is completely on her now, mesmerised as she throws her head back and laughs with ease. She reaches out and clings to my shoulders to keep herself steady, the contact reaches into my soul making my beast purr again. I feel myself lighten just from the brightness that radiates off her happiness and then my eyes wonder down to her tits again. Shit.

The tyre catching pulls my attention back, and I have to let her go to grab both handles and drive properly, swerving to avoid crashing into another bike. Looking around, I see I'm not the only one staring.

We drive mostly in silence. It's still dark, and she gets closer to me the longer we go. Even through the thin material of her clothes, she feels like ice. I shouldn't care. I don't, but humans are so fragile, and my protective instincts are nagging me to provide for her needs.

Once we pass the second state line, Axel signals for us all to stop and take a break. The woman groans as I plant my feet to steady us outside of a roadside diner, we're all going to feel stiff after riding for so long, but she doesn’t have the same tolerance as we do.

She hops off and tumbles slightly, I go to reach out and help but pull my hand back at the last second. Clenching my fist, I watch as she stretches, her top riding up to flash the reddened skin of her belly from where the cold has sunk in.

I dismount as everyone heads inside, I don't bother checking she's following and stomp off, it might seem pissy after taking her, but I can't risk the temptation she poses, no matter how much I want it.

The bell rings above the 60s styled entrance as I storm in, Axel, Rocky, and Harley are sat in a booth whilst the prospects they took with them are scattered around It’s pretty empty inside, but the few customers out this early eye our clowder with caution. I slide in next to Axel, Rocky is looking around and jumping in his seat like an excited kitten. He’s had the sense at least to put on some clothes before coming inside.

The bell rings again, and he freezes. He looks like he’s on the hunt, ready to pounce at his prey when close enough. Her scent drifts to me before I see her. She takes a stool at the bar and grabs a menu off the counter.

“Can we keep her?” Rocky asks excitedly, his bum doing a little wiggle in his seat. Nobody pays him attention, but I can tell Harley is ready to grab him if he tries to make a move. “Hey” he tries again, placing his palms on the table and leaning closer to Axel opposite him to try and get his attention. “Hey, Ax” He waves a hand in front of him “Can we?”

“For fuck sake Rocky, chill!” I snap and slap his hand away. He clasps it to his chest like he’s clutching pearls.

“Meeeooooowwwwww” Rocky exaggerates. A snort comes from the bar, and I turn to see the woman staring at us. She picks up her menu and comes over to our booth, sliding next to me and scooting her bum, her fake leather bottoms squeaking on the pleather bench seat, until I’m forced to sit closer to Axel or have her on my lap again. My dicks still feeling tender from the hours of blood pumping to it with no action, so I opt to get cozy with the Prez.

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