watching the practice

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[when everyone is done/ sunday]

Everyone is walking to the practice ground, Ryoma holding Fuji's arm.

Everyone noticed Ryoma clinging to Fuji but with how Fuji glares at them when they want to ask once had them shutting up about it

[when they get to a tennis aura/2pm]

Fuji goes to one of the shade aura under a tree and sit with Ryoma well the other start to warm up

"When is the surgery for your knee?" Fuji ask


"Are you scared?" Fuji ask

"I don't think so, but I don't know what to feel to be honest" Ryoma look up to see the other starting matches with each other "But I know that no matter what I'll have help with it"

"Yeah, we'll all be here with you" Fuji say, getting up "but I will text Nagisa to tell him your with me"

"Okay" Ryoma nods 'My family and Heather even Fuji know what I can do, and it turns out they were the same group who made Koro-sensei but when he left Koro-sensei destroying most of the information on how he was made. Akuji was one of the lower level but he wanted to make his own world destroyer but we can't do that, yes Heather and I are stronger than normal people but we can't destroy the world, the most we can do is a town' Ryoma lays down on the grass 'the spider bleed gave me some abilities (show the outline of human, and when speaking/making sound non-living items too) The fox blood gave me some abilities as well (think about spider-man Kitsunes at the end of the chapter btw) But Heather abilities are like sirens which is cool'

"RYOMA" a girl yells, running to him

He hears that it is Osakada, Ryuzaki. Osakada was the one yelling while Ryuzaki was seeming nervous "yes?"

"We heard you quit but you're with the team, so it was fake right?" Osakada says and Ryuzaki nods along.

"I did quit" he say, sitting back up, feeling that Fuji was coming back to Ryoma

"Ryoma, the other school are practicing today as well, do you want to get ice cream with me well we wait for the other teams to set up so we can play each other" Fuji says

"Sure" Ryoma say as Fuji helps him up "did this become a match for all" he ask as the girls just watch

"Yeah, they did" Fuji says

This is what the abilities they have the first 2 are Ryoma that last one is Heather

spider-man's abilities

-Superhuman strength -Webbing -Agility

-Healing -Reflexes -Superhuman durability

-Speed -Durability -Communication with spiders

-Wall Crawling -Superhuman stamina

-Camouflage -Enhanced endurance

-Spider Barrage -Intelligence

Kitsune's abilities

-Shapeshifting -Dream Manipulation -Illusion

-Kitsunetsuki -Magic -Claws

-Possession -Enhanced endurance -Enhanced speed

-Flight -Mind control -Super strength

-Body Manipulation -Foxfire -Invisibility

-Supernatural Beauty -Dimensional travel -Enhanced Senses

-Enhanced Stealth -Martial arts -Superhuman speed

Siren's abilities

-Superhuman strength -Shapeshifting -Superhuman durability -Telepathy

-Enhanced agility -Longevity -Senses -Underwater breathing -Water Manipulation -Weather modification -Illusion Creation -Siren Song -Speed swimming 

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