Following Caitlyn through the tree line and noticing they were heading back to the cabin. Stopping just before hitting the barn, Caitlyn gets off and takes her helmet off to calm her breathing and River being there right in front of her and pulling her into a hug.

"I got you, I'm here" River tells her and kisses her head.

Couple of hours pass and they were both showered up and Caitlyn was in some sweats with a blanket wrapped around her taking a nap on one of the couches in the great room. River took a moment to go outside the front and lean against the deck railing, looking through the window to see Caitlyn asleep.

River took out her phone and made a call to Persephone.

"Hey sister of mine, how's paradise cabin?" Persephone asked making River snort in laughter at the name.

"Never changed, I need to ask you a huge favour" River told her and Persephone was listening to whatever this favour was.

"You can find people right, like you did with.. Jordan correct?" River asked, feeling sick mentioning the dead like she shouldn't be saying it.

"I'm not killing anyone else" Persephone was quick to answer but River slowed her down to not mention that.

"No, I just need you to find someone for me, to make sure they are alive and doing okay for themselves" River told her and movement was heard on the other side until Persephone spoke again.

"Okay, I have a pen, tell me some details to get started" she asked and River only knew what she was told just today.

"He is 28, living in Europe and his name is Samuel Pierce" River said and heard the line go quiet.

"Relation to Caitlyn?" she asked and River took a breath.

"Her brother" River said and Persephone sighed.

"I'll find him" and the line went dead. River sighed and knows her sister will find them, but hopefully it's a good outcome and not bad.

The rest of their weekend went by smoothly, they went fishing on the lake and had a nice dinner with that. A midnight dip in the spring that led to a romantic evening to finish it all off. But their time had to end as they packed up and left the cabin to take the drive back to the craziness that is their lives and return back to normal.


Monday morning came and River made sure to get to the office early and also texting Persephone to come early so they can talk on what happened.

River was pacing the office knowing that Caitlyn would be here soon but thankfully Persephone walked through and walked to her desk looking at River.

"Don't just look at me Seph, is he alive or not?" River pleaded wishing he was not dead.

"Don't be so dramatic River, he is not dead. He is living in a studio apartment in Spain, trying to be an artist, he is very well off and has a lot of savings from who knows what" Persephone told River who took a deep breathe.

"Thank god" River says and walks back to her desk just as Caitlyn walks in and looks between the siblings seeing as something was going on before she came.

"Morning, what have I missed?" she asks as she puts her bag down and Persephone gives her a warm smile then looks to River.

"Just discussing with Persephone about what we spoke off on the weekend with a new career" River tells her and now Persephone gave the curious look between the couple.

"Oh, won't you both indulge me" she asks as she leans on her desk ready to listen to them both.

A long talk later, Persephone was keen on the idea to make this place her own. Listening to what River spoke off when she was at her home about doing what she does in secret a known job. Work needed to be done and she would make this place a beacon for stopping crime.

Lunch came around soon enough and Caitlyn went out to buy the three some food leaving the sisters alone.

"You want this place don't you?" River asked with a playful smile on her face, teasing her sister.

"I wouldn't lie, it'd be nice but if you are serious about this club and what I really want, we could just sell it, distribute the employees to other places with good recommendations, split whatever the selling price will be and then do our own thing" Persephone suggested and River thought that wasn't a bad idea, it actually would make things a lot easier.

"I mean yeah that sounds good, we could do all that within the month with both of us doing it, what was you thinking of doing then?" River asked as she started on writing down what was to be done in time.

"Well I was thinking of building a large facility or compound if you will, like place for myself and my friends to form a team to do what we do best" Persephone tells River and she nods in approval.

"Sounds good, you going to be like the real life Avengers" River jokes making them both laugh.

"Not quite like that but it's good that we have skills that could become something similar" she says and makes a call to Luiza as they do everyday.

River takes a walk to give them some privacy and takes the elevator to the ground floor to see Damon walk in. They both make eye contact as Damon walks briskly to River and slams her against the wall. Making people around them watch and reception quickly call security.

"I don't care what Caitlyn says, I know who and what you are and I know what you did" Damon seethes in ager and spits out at River.

"You need to step away from me, before you regret it" River manages to speak out and seeing security walk in but she puts up a hand to stop them.

"You are really not in the best position to be making threats" Damon says and laughs at the situation River is in.

"Neither are you" River says and knees Damon in the groin making him release her, she twists his arm behind his back and slams his face against the wall where she just was.

She leans in close to his ear so only he hears her voice, "I suggest you do not come here again, else you want to end up in a much worse situation". Then she releases his arm as Caitlyn walks in to see what just happened.

Caitlyn moves out the way as Damon walks out and looks at her then just walks on as security follow to make sure he leaves. River looks to Caitlyn as they both head into the elevator and press the top floor. Caitlyn stops the elevator halfway and River looks to her, expecting what she is about to ask.

"Tell me right now and I'll know if you lie to me" she asks, River knowing what she is talking about. It was time to spill, it was eating at River and if they were to have a future there was to be no secrets between them.

"Persephone killed Jordan, I only found out a week ago. She has people who do that kind of work, but all the evidence they had on him is all real, she wouldn't make that up" River told Caitlyn. Caitlyn face twisted with emotions; anger, confusion, confliction, she pressed the elevator without a word and when it came to their stop she walked out making her way to the office with River following.

"Cait?!" River called after her as Caitlyn walked into the office as Persephone just got off the phone and turned to be met with a slap across the face.

"What the-!" Persephone was about to explode but Caitlyn beat her to it.

"No more killing people and not telling me, do not lie to me ever again, you understand me?" Caitlyn ordered Persephone as she looked over the shoulder of the smaller woman to see her sister looking guilty but relieved, Persephone nodded to Caitlyn.

"I understand, no more lies, but if you slap me like that again, you will learn how intimidating I really can be" Persephone told her, whispering the last part to make Caitlyn's eyes go wide and move away from the older woman.

"If we are telling truths though, there is one more thing you should know sweet girl" Persephone tells Caitlyn as she stop and looks between her and River.

River clears her throat and takes a step to Caitlyn, "We know where your brother is"

Another update and more to come soon.

Thank you all for the reads and votes. You are all the best.

Let me know if you prefer First Person POV's or Third Person?

~ Mollza.

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