Chapter Twenty

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The dawn light broke free from the horizon and lit up the bedroom from where River and Caitlyn lay asleep. Caitlyn feeling the sun heat hit her bare leg rose from her sleep, looking over to River and smiling to herself, recalling the events of last night. 'I love you' those three words were spoken to her so gently her heart melted.

Caitlyn ran a hand through her hair knowing she didn't say it back from how tired she was. So, she carefully got out of bed to not wake River. She made her way to the family room first to retrieve her robe and wrap it around herself and made her way to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for them both.

Minutes passed by and the table was all set with blueberry pancakes, bacon and sausages with fresh coffee and orange juice as River finally walked through with a pair of sweatpants and tank top on.

"Morning" Caitlyn said and walked to her and kissed her.

"You did all this?" River questioned with a smile on their face.

"Well, last night you told me you love me and I guess I was tired and got caught up in the moment, so I wanted to do all this so you know that, I love you too" Caitlyn told River, both of them smiling like teenagers at each other.

"This is adorable" River said and kissed her again before they both took their seats and began to eat.

Breakfast went by with them both deciding what to do for the day and Caitlyn was the one to ask to go quad biking so after breakfast and both of them trading kisses in between cleaning. They both got dressed and headed out to the barn.

Walking in there were four quad bikes and outfits folded neatly with all the safety equipment ready to be used.

River looked through the outfits and back at Caitlyn, "Darcy's should be able to fit you" River said and gave her the blue one.

Caitlyn looked at herself then the outfit, "I am bigger chested you know" Caitlyn said making River turn to her with a smirk.

"Oh baby, I'm aware" River said back making Caitlyn smile, they both got changed and River helped Caitlyn with the equipment and got on the quad with her helmet as River opened the double barn doors.

"Have you ever ridden before?" River asked her, because they had time for lessons if so. 

"Once yeah, I know how to work it" Caitlyn told her and River put on her own helmet and hopped on her quad as they both started up and headed off. 

Following the dirt path to an open area of a track, they got competitive and started to race each other, causing one of them to be covered in dirt from the drifting. Eventually they went off the track and continued their ride, going over small bumps and ramps to enjoy this time together. They came to a clearing where they stopped for a short break, as they both took off their helmets both of their faces beet red and covered with sweat.

"Can I ask you something?" River said out of breath and cleared her throat as Caitlyn nodded to her.

"When we got to know each other way back when, you mentioned you had an older brother, how come I never met him or you never speak of him?" River asked and Caitlyn nodded and grew quiet for a moment and then focusing back on River.

"We don't speak, he moved to Europe to do whatever and hasn't spoken to me or my parents since" Caitlyn told River and River gave a curious look to her.

"How long ago?" River asked and Caitlyn looked up to blink away the tears. The memory coming back of her big brother walking out to find himself and then never giving word to them.

"8 years ago, he is 28 and his name is Samuel" she said and River gave her a sympathetic look but Caitlyn just put on her helmet and rode off, making River quickly do the same and follow after her. 

Just BusinessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon