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Sitting at the bar in the lobby of Hazbin Hotel, Jake is sitting on a stool while he tunes a violin in his hand. Jake's now wearing a red coat with a black diamond pattern and a red vest.

Jake then grabs a coffee cup on the counter and takes a sip. The cup is cream colored with writing on it that says "One Bullet."

Jake takes a long sip before setting the coffee cup back down and continues to tune his violin. Husker walks over and notices the Violin.

"When did you take up playing the violin?" Husk asks as he steps behind the counter and grabs a bottle of booze.

"When I wassss a child." Jake informs; Husk stops mid sip and gives Jake a questioning look, with him noticing it. "What? Did you always think I was a Murdering, thieving, outlaw?"

Husk gives Jake a so-so hand sign.

Jake rolls his fiery eyes. "Well, I wasn't. I didn't start being an outlaw until I was 15."

"Huh, so why did you take up the violin?" Husk takes another sip of his booze.

"Oh, my mother loved old music, so I did it to make her and pa happy."

Suddenly Angel slides over and leans onto Jake. "Oh, so you are a mama's boy."

Jake hisses in displeasure and reaches for the holster on his back. Only to be stopped by Niffty slapping onto his face.

"YOU SHOULD PLAY IT!" Niffty yells into his face.

"AH!" Jake shouts. "Get the chipmunk off me!"

Jake flails his arms around, trying to get Niffty off, but she just laughs. After a few seconds Jake rips the maid off his face and throws her into a wall.

"Ohhh, so strong~" Niffty smirks, causing Jake to shiver.

"Oh, didn't know you liked it rough, Jakey~" Angle licks his lips as Jake sits back down. "Maybe you could be rough with me sometime~"

Jake's tail rattles and he just shoves Angle away. "Don't flirt with me, wagtail!"

Husk sighs and shakes his head. "Why don't you play us a song, Jake?"

"What?" Jake gives Husk a questioning look. "Why?"

Husk shrugs. "I dunno, I'm bored."

Niffty zooms up and puts her hands together. "Come on, Jake, play us a song!"

Angel's hand slides up Jake's leg. "If you do, I'll reward you later~"

Jake punts Angel across the room. "Don't touch me!" Jake plucks the strings on his instrument. "Fine... But don't expect me to play anymore for you all!"

"Eh, I don't care either way." Husk states.

Niffty bounces up and down. "Hehehe..."

Angel walks over while rubbing his head.

Jake grumbles as he buts his violin under his chin and starts to play.

Husk, Angel and Niffty's eyes widen as Jake plays.

Jake stands up and closes his eyes as he starts to walk around as he plays. Suddenly Black Cellos, Basses and Violia's, with blue bows, appear in the air above Jake and play along with him.

"Holy shit..." Angel mutters.

"A man that can play an instrument is kinda hot." Niffty states.

"If killing didn't work out for him, he coulda been a musician." Husk states.

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