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VIOLET BENNET WANTED TO PUNCH LORD JAMES SEADOWN IN THE FACE she wanted to watch as his teeth flew across the ballroom with a deep crimson splashing on the hardwood floors. She wanted the guests to cheer her on and commend her on her bravery as she cleaned the blood from her knuckles.

Unfortunately for her, she was a lady, and so instead she settled for standing in the corner of the ballroom, a champagne glass in hand and an angry expression on her face, hiding from the old ladies that whispered and the young girls that laughed.

Her reputation hadn't improved yet, she guessed.

Violins echoed in the castle as Violet seethed. She watched the dirty blonde as he spoke with his parents. Nan's sister, Jinny, positioned on his arm.

As the man told jokes and sipped a glass of wine, she felt herself getting angrier by the minute, deciding to change her focus before her head blew with anger or she tried to initiate a fight.

She noticed Theo speaking to his mother across the room and decided to waltz over, avidly waiting for the older woman to move along before she engaged in conversation.

Violet really wasn't in the mood to be berated today.

"So, how are you enjoying the ball this year, Duke?" Violet smiled as she walked over, emphasising the pronunciation on his title.

"Well, it's much nicer that I can be left alone, now that people have stopped introducing me to their daughters in an attempt to make a match." He laughed briefly searching the room before his eye caught Nan, twirling in her blue dress, necklace sparkling in the candlelight and her hair bouncing with the movement of the dance. "And then there's Nan."

Violet watched the twinkle in his eye as he spoke of her, she saw how in love he was.

"She's remarkable" The girl concurred

"And you? It seems like you are Guy are getting along." Theo spoke with a grin, taking a sip of wine, completely obvious in the implications of his words.

Violet scoffed at the idea that Guy Thwarte thought of her as anything other than a mad woman.

"I am of the opinion that he hates me." She tilted her head with a tight smile looking towards the man across the room.

Guy's eyes did not meet hers but instead followed Nan as she spun around, the two dancing in a group. Violet could see a conversation going on but could not hear above the sounds of violins and cellos.

She watched the twinkle in Guy Thwarte's eye.

There it was again, that look.

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