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NOTHING WAS DULLER than the English social scene.

The conversations from family friends and elders about how it was 'time to find a suitor' and that her facing another season unmarried was 'shameful' were getting repetitive, and then there were the same tedious men calling at her door practically begging her to marry them, It was all so incessant.

Violet Bennet couldn't care less, an inherited fortune and substantial estate in her future, and a father than cared little if she never left the family home only increased her lack of effort when it came to dating.

She had planned on staying away from all balls and events, only showing her face when absolutely necessary.

That was, until rumours of the American's arrived.

She was intrigued to say the least.

She found American's invigorating, their sense of freedom and loudness was quite the match for the girls own way of behaving. Violet believed that if not for her huge family fortune or her father's notoriety that she would have been shunned from English society years ago and declared a 'mad woman' by all, for the intensity with which she spoke and the passionate opinions which she upheld.

But in America?

She imagined she would blend in.

Violet could not leave Hailbur Estate to traipse around a new continent though.

The idea of leaving her aging father alone in such a large empty home hurt her heart. And so she was trapped in England, forced to engage in conversation with buffoons and bores.

Violet was surprised to have been again invited to the queen's debutante ball, she had made quite an impression at her previous attendance, though not a good one.

She imagined that the invite had been Theo's doing, being friends with a Duke had to be good for something.

Violet had debuted two years prior at her father's request and spent a good portion of the ball drinking enough champagne to try and put off any potential interest in her.

If you asked Violet what had happened, she would probably tell you why she felt the need to finish as many glasses as possible that night or why she boarded her walls and hid away in her home for a year, but nobody did ask her.

They never would.

They just believed the man.

That night gained the girl had gained quite the reputation for herself.

Being labelled as 'fucked in the head' at 18 was not quite the position that Violet had wanted to make in society.

Anyhow, she had decided to return this year, mostly out of curiosity at England's newest arrivals. News of 'Conchita' The newest addition to the Marable family had spread like wildfire, particularly rumours that she did not fit in with English society.

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