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VIOLET FOUND SOLACE IN THE CARESS OF THE BREEZE and the embrace of the sand beneath her feet, there was a healing power in the salty seaside air that seemed capable of washing away her troubles.

Theo had invited her to come to Tintagel for a visit while her room underwent renovations. She could have opted for any of the numerous rooms within the Halibur Estate. But the allure of the coast beckoned.

Also, she welcomed the break from the incessant whirl of London's social circuit.

Since the debutante ball, Violet had somehow become a target for ambitious suitors and their families, each one viewing her attendance at such events as a signal of her availability. Their persistent attempts to arrange meetings and dates in hopes of securing her family's fortune had grown annoying.

Violet found that she had no mutual interest for any of these men.

In fact, the list of men she could stomach was getting shorter by the day.

Tintagel always demanded formal attire, even if it was merely to appease Theo's mother. Violet couldn't care less about winning her favour but being friends with a Duke required occasional compromises.

Dinner consisted of flickering candlelight and the symphony of coastal winds and crashing waves, broken up by polite but superficial conversation. This was the way it always was; Violet had grown accustomed to the rhythm of evenings at Tintagel.

However, tonight's dinner was disrupted by an unexpected arrival: Guy Thwarte.

"You," he remarked upon spotting Violet in the dining room, a glass of wine in her hand.

"You..." Violet echoed, a hint of confusion colouring her tone.

She narrowed her eyes at the man.

"You're Theo's closest friend?" she inquired.

"What happened to your disinterest in marriage? Suddenly you're staying at Tintagel?" he spoke tilting his head.

"I assure you; I have no intention of marrying Theo." Violet had to stop herself laughing

"I certainly hope not," the Duchess murmured as she entered the room, causing Violet to instinctively straighten in her presence. She rarely felt anxious, but something about Theo's mother heightened her unease.

"Guy!" Theo exclaimed as he entered, embracing his friend warmly.

"Have you two met?" he asked, oblivious to their prior encounter.

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