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NAN ST. GEORGE'S BLUE HEELED SHOE was now perched at the top of the white layed cake, the centrepiece of the entire ball.

Everyone had seen it fall, and had they not already seen the culprit in action, most people would soon notice that Nan's dress matched the very same colour of the mysterious shoe.

Violet, who had been rather bored of the event thus far was stood behind the girl who was currently hiding behind the banister from confused onlookers below, laughing with a man Violet did not recognise,

"This is really bad isn't it." She whispered to the man, though Violet noted it was not fear in her voice but playfulness.

Nan St George didn't seem like a girl who feared much.

In fact, she wouldn't be shocked if the girl had dropped her shoe in the cake on purpose to make the event more entertaining.

Violet could never imagine an English girl to do such a thing at the debutante ball, they would quiver in fear if they had committed such a sin as to destroy the cake, most likely running away crying and tarnishing their reputation. She was certain they would not laugh in the face of such an accident.

Americans truly were fascinating

"I'd say so." The woman spoke tilting her head as the pair spun their heads round to look at her. Nan's face was struck with shock as she noticed the woman had observed the entire event, but it soon melted from surprise to relief as she realised it was the woman she had met earlier and not a stranger, or worse, her mother.

Nan St George had declared Violet Bennet a trustworthy ally in the case of 1870's high heel cake heist.

She introduced her to Guy Thwarte, the other accomplice in their mission, whose name seemed to spark a light in Violet's brain, though she couldn't remember where from and the three hatched a plan.

Guy was on lookout, keeping an eye on their surroundings and making sure to watch out for gossiping girls and meddling mothers.

Violet was on distraction duty. Her job was to talk to the servers moving the cake long enough for Nan to complete her part.

The most risqué of the jobs.

To retrieve the shoe atop the cake.

The three shook hands and parted ways, beginning the plan of action as if spies in a novel.

Violet's heels clicked on the floor as she made a beeline towards the now destroyed cake which was being wheeled away from sight of the party by two men.

"Ah, I'm sorry to be a bother, do you happen to know where the bathrooms are?" She spoke, the servers pausing their movements to speak to the woman.

Across the room she could see Guy Thwarte presenting a thumbs up of approval to say the coast was clear prompting Violet to nod inconspicuously to Nan as the girl jumped up to grab her shoe.

The three began to walk off, a smile on their faces having achieved their task without getting caught.

That was until their conversation was interrupted by an older American lady and one of the debutants, Violet deduced it was her mother and sister and that they were not happy with the girl at all, arguing with Nan as they pulled her away, the three musketeers adventures seemingly ended for now.

Guy, who seemed to be bored now that Nan had been dragged away by her mother, followed Violet as she headed back up the stairs, her curls looser as she walked.

He looked almost like a lost puppy, clinging onto the only person giving him attention. The hall was a little emptier now, guests having gotten bored of the party and the people and left.

He decided to break the silence as they reached the end of the staircase.

"Do you want to marry Theo? I saw you talking to him before, he seemed... interested." The man spoke genuine in his question as Violet begun to laugh.

"I don't intend to marry at all." She shook her head a giggle still in her throat.

"Then why are you here?"

"The fun of it all. Don't you feel the energy in the air? Old English money that's running out clashing with the sparks of American innovation. The social scene this year is a powder keg ready to explode. I'm just here to watch it all happen." The blonde grinned.

Guy just smiled and hummed lightly at her response. Violet guessed that he was part of the old English money that was running out. His suit was not new, and his shoes were lightly dirtied.

She decided not to say anything though.

It didn't seem like her place or her business.

"Do you intend to marry Nan?" Violet raised her eyebrows as she spoke feeling it was her turn to ask a somewhat invasive question.

"I don't know. She's, different." He replied making the girl smile.

"The best ones are." She nodded

The was a comfortable silence for a moment before Violet sighed taking another glass of champagne from a waiter and finishing it almost immediately.

"You're the girl they whisper about all the time, you must have made quite an impression when you debuted." Guy spoke his eyes widening slightly at the realisation.

"Violet Bennet, England's very own mad woman, at your service." She jokingly curtseyed towards the man, hoping the realisation didn't change his opinion on her too much.

Much like Theo, Violet too seemed to be lacking in the friends department of her life.

"You helped me and Nan fish a shoe out of a cake today, what could you have possibly done that made you any madder than us?" He laughed.

Violet smiled at the memory of today before her demeanour seemed to shift at the remembrance of two years ago.

It had been a night she had chosen not to speak about it for good reason.

She shrugged in answer to his question before speaking.

"The champagne seems to have been drunk and there's no more people around to annoy, so I best go. Have a good night, Guy Thwarte, I'm sure I'll see you around."

Her heel clicked on the concrete floor as Violet stepped outside, the brisk air tickling her skin. She took in a deep breath and begun to walk towards her carriage when she heard the voice of a distressed Nan St George to her left.

She paused before walking over and seeing Nan, the girl who had been so bubbly and full of joy before crying while talking to her sister.

Violet decided not to interrupt, instead walking towards her carriage, and keeping an eye on the two girls, curious as to what was being said but aware it was not her business.

If there was a secret to be found, it would come out eventually.

All secrets do.

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