Chapter - 30

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This is the longest chapter now surpassing last one!

Hope you'll enjoy!!

"Jungkook! Beleive me! I didn't tell him anything!" Jimin told rather loudly while walking towards his brother leaving dumbfounded Taehyung alone.

"It's okay hyung. I'll do rest of the things by myself." Jungkook said calmly and darted his eyes towards lost Taehyung.

"Enjoyy!" Jimin showed thumb up to Taehyung and Jungkook and left the room as soon as possible.

"What's wrong with Jimin hyung? Is he too stressed because the vacation is over?" Taehyung asked as the most obvious thing. Jungkook smiled and went closer to him only to hold his hand and lead him out of the room.

The outside is already dark and decorated with light bulbs at the side of the road. Taehyung didn't come out at night and he cursed himself for that. Chill wind and sullen silence is literally the cup of tea for Taehyung. Both of them soon walked quite a distance away from the resting house and Taehyung can't keep his curiosity inside anymore.

"Where are we going Jungkook?"

"I'll tell you later!"

"Okay! I'll ask you later then!" He deadpanned with an eyeroll. After they took few steps foreward Taehyung again opened his mouth.

"It's such a shame that the vacation is over!" He muttered with a pout. He doesn't want to go back to college. Taehyung turned towards silent Jungkook and stopped walking further.

"Why?" Jungkook asked feeling his husband's absence.

"I'm just confused!" Taehyung said after he ran towards Jungkook.

"About what?"

"About you!"


"You acted all cutey and pouty today morning. But afterwards you are back to yourself. What's that?" He asked while careressing his chin. Jungkook chuckled at the question and looked other side suddenely feeling shy.

"Oh my god!! Is that a blush?" Taehyung screamed and tried to see Jungkook's face but failed miserably. Both of them again began to walk with faint laughs and giggles.

"It's because your eyes was closed and you was sleepy. Noone saw that!" Jungkook suddenely stated the reason.

"But I felt the pout!" Taehyung said and bit his lips mischievously. Jungkook didn't tell anything further. This is so embarrassing and he can't continue this further.

Soon they arrived towards the beach and the first thing Taehyung noticed is a tree decorated with yellow light bulbs. It looked so attractive and romantic. There is a mat under the tree and several baskets on it. The whole place is illuminated with beautiful lamps. Taehyung's eyes literally shone up with the sight.

"Let's go!" Jungkook whispered and pushed Tae towards the scenario. He can't beleive this. Jungkook took him to a place like this!

"Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god!!! THERE WAS A PLACE LIKE THIS AND I NEVER KNEW!!!!" Taehyung screamed while looking at the place from the distance not wanting to spoil the perfect picture.

"There was not a place like this Tae! I made this....with help of hyungs!" Jungkook wanted to mention the Drake's name too but this is not the time.

"What?" Taehyung is literally speechless. He looked at Jungkook who is smiling eye to eye and soon broke into tears. He didn't wait anymore to jump and hug Jungkook ever so tightly. He never experience a thing like this before. He never felt like a main character like this before. Everything is so overwhelming and he simply can't contain his emotions in. He hid his face in Jungkook's neck and sniffled cutely.

Dewdrop || Taekook || Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant