Chapter - 28

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Longest chapter in this story (according to number of words!) ❤️🙂

"I have her diary!"


"Jimin hyung gave it to me.." Taehyung said while sitting on the chair. Jungkook continued to stare at Tae for further details.

"I'll give it to you when time came. Beleive me!"Tae said with that soft voice making Jungkook nod at the words. He indeed beleives in Tae. There's no doubt in that.

"Wahh!! According to this Animatophobic people shows a cold behaviour,,,a very cold one." Taehyung screamed while reading the article. Jimin noded while washing the plates in the kitchen and said

"Proper medications can lessen the condition." Actually Taehyung discovered so many things about this phobia for Jungkook. Eventhough he didn't let Jungkook feel that. Even now too he read an article after confirming that latter is not at home.

"Seems like Jungkook is in a good condition compared to this!" Tae uttered with wide eyes. He actually thought that Jungkook is in the worst condition.

"He is taking medication since childhood. There should be a progress."

"He is different now than before."

"That means OUR PLAN WORKED TAE!!" Suddenely both of them hug out of nowhere filling the kitchen with giggles.

"Jimin hyung.."After few minutes of silence Taehyung opened his mouth.


"You still didn't tell me about that!"

"About what?" Jimin turned towards Taehyung completely with furrowed eyebrows.

"The thing with Yoongi!"

"What thing-g?" Jimin asked with a fake smile now giving full attention to plates.

"Okay! I will go straight to the point-"Jimin gulped in fear at the next words but at the very moment Jin came in like an angel.

"JIN HYUNG!!" Jimin screamed hurriedly making Tae pout. Why is he avoiding this?

"What? What are you guys doing in the kitchen? I don't have a good feeling."Jin said in one go while checking the area with side eye.

"That's the thing I want to talk too!"Taehyung and Jin both darted a questionable glance at Jimin who is also nervously standing there.

"I mean that--You---I mean Ahh Jin hyung! You didn't blame Tae for ruining the kitchen on that day. This is so unfair. Are you giving special privileges--" Jimin blabberd nonstop with closed eyes. Taehyung looked at Jin apologetically but he is not having it. Out of nowhere Jin grabbed Tae's ear and twisted slowly with words

"Ahh! Tell me Tae! What's that dish?"

" It's a secret recipe hyung-g. Aww!" Jimin laughed at the corner witnessing Tae's painful face. This is such a rare scene.

"Then let me teach you the consequences---" Before Jin completes his words Taehyung tactically saved himself from Jin's grip and ran towards his saviour. He hid himself behind his husband's bulky body with a slight smirk. Now noone can lay a finger on him.

Jimin and Jin followed the younger behind and rolled their eyes at the scene.

"Seriously Tae! You can't use Jungkook card!" Jin whinned with a fake cry. Jungkook looked here and there with his confused eyes not knowing what to do. Is he allowed to walk  or should he stay like this?

"Why not hyung? It is my card!" Taehyung mischievously said while peeking his head out from Jungkook's shoulder.

"That means game over!!" Jimin uttered with a defeated tone.

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