Chapter 5: Golden

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The screens flickered the words, It's Me over and over. It didn't make sense. Who was this? Was someone trying to communicate with me? And if so, who was it?

A face appeared on the screen. To be more accurate, a mask. It looked like a Freddy mask, but it was yellow, golden even. A Golden Freddy?

“It's Me,” the static voice echoed through the screen.

“Who are you?” I asked. “I want to help.”

The screens flickered and flashed. Horrifying images flashed. I saw a bloodied knife, a girl's dead body, a golden Freddy suit bleeding from every opening. The images kept flashing. It was a message. A story unfolding. I could piece together something of a timeline for whoever this was.

A girl, who's face was obscured, was lured into the back of parts and services by someone wearing a mascot suit. What suit it was was unclear. It took was golden. The door to parts and services was shut and locked. The girl looked on in fear as the killer brandished his knife.

What I saw next was beyond description. I tried to close my eyes, but this apparition, this lost soul kept me focused. They wanted me to see. I watched as the killer violently snuffed the life of the girl away. I couldn't help but cry after watching these stitched together images retell the story.

Finally, the scene ended with the girl's body being stuffed into the Golden Freddy suit.

The security monitors then flashed the year 1985. After that it flashes the words 6 victims. Finally it flashed a name.


That name, I knew it. I'd heard it before. Where though? Some repressed memories of mine were hiding the answer from me. It was like a mental block was preventing me from seeing the past that I should remember.

The monitors went dark. I stood, stunned at what I'd seen. I had answers to questions I hadn't had, and new questions on top of my original questions. Whatever the narrative of this place’s history was, someone was hiding it. And someone else was revealing it piece by piece to me.

“I'll help you Cassidy,” I said, sure of myself.

I suddenly heard breathing behind me. I turned quickly and saw the Golden Freddy suit slumped before me. Two silver eyes were inside its sockets, gazing at me.

“You're Cassidy,” I said.

She didn't speak. She just sat, slumped in the position she was in. The only noise was the breathing. It wasn't real breathing. A spirit didn't need to breath, but for whatever reason, the suit breathed.

The lights came on, and the hydraulic doors opened. I looked at the doors, then back to the suit.

It was gone. When I looked where it should have been, it was missing. No, it was never actually there. Not in the physical sense.

I walked back to the arcade. Bonnie and Chica were gleefully playing on the Street Fighter cabinet. Chica turned her eyes to me.

“You look like you just saw a ghost,” she said with a giggle. “I know the irony in me saying that.”

“Oh uh, just a spider,” I lied.

“You're scared of spiders?” Bonnie teased.

“Extremely,” I replied. “Arachnophobia is a bitch.”

The both giggled. It almost seemed like they were scheming now, but they looked back to their game. I sat on a stool and watched the best I could. Their animatronic bodies were too big to really see the screen clearly.

Five Nights at Freddy's: The Lost Souls [Reboot Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now