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Egan sits down in front of Felicés dad "Sir, I'm sorry for the misunderstandings that happened earlier. Fortunately since you are allowing me to stay here, I don't want to be staying for free, I want to help around.. I was not meaning to offend you in any way, I just purely want to help." Egan waits as Felicé translates everything he said. As he waits he notices Felicés features and behavior. She's always so gentle with the way she speaks. She's a very soft spoken person. Seems as if she's like the person who would never kill a fly. Her beautiful blonde locks, and her pale skin. She has a noticeable mole above her top lip to the left.

Everything about her is beautiful. He really feels as if this is the most beautiful women he has ever met. Truly perfect. Egan felt as if he could stare at her all day and never get bored. He can't help but let out a smile. Grinning almost ear to ear.

Felicés father just nods. He then turns to his daughter and starts a conversation with her before walking off. "So..he told me some things he'd like help with around the house, he wants help cleaning up the other field on the other end of the house and toil the dirt. " "on it" Egan says smiling, hes very grateful for the help that Felicé has been giving them. If it wasnt for her there would be a serious language barrier. He then grabs Biddick and Crosby.

Cleaning the field consisted of pulling up a bunch of weeds and tossing them to the side. Toiling the dirt and then planting seeds. As the boys were getting to work, Felicé brings out 3 glasses of water on a tray. She's now changed to a yellow plaid patterned dress with the matching belt tied around her waste. With some low 2 inch black heels.

Felicé watches Egan run up to her. He runs his fingers through his brown locks to push it back. His hair color appearing darker than normal due to the sweat. Egan took his shirt off due to it being past noon and burning outside. Felicé notices a drop of sweat trickle down the side of his face. Then her eyes trail downward to his abdomen. Can't help but notice how fit he is but other than that she wanted to check how the wound is doing. It's been almost a week and she hasn't gotten to time to check it.

"How's the wound?" Felicé asks. "It's actually doing good, look" Egan starts to unwrap the bandage before Felicés hands stop his. "Don't there's dirt all over you, just show me later.." "I wanted to bring yall water because I know it's hot out here, I'll be cooking with my mother soon, so come in later for a meal." Felicé looks down feeling heat rushing to her cheeks.

"Hey I recon she fancies you.", Biddick says nudging Egan twice with his elbow. Egan just smiles to himself shaking his head before getting back to work.


"How you feeling boys? Refreshing am I right?" Egan asked patting the boys on their back. The guys nod before heading inside, just to be turned back around.

"Yall cannot step inside our house being this dirty, go take a bath in the back."

"You go first Egan, we will finish up here." Egan then steps to the back of the house walking into the bathhouse. The water in the tub is around lukewarm temperature which is perfect to cool Egan down from being in the sun for hours. Egan starts undressing and hears the door creek open. He expected it to be one one the boys so he didn't mind being exposed in just his underwear but when he turns around he sees Felicé. There was a long pause of silence.

Egan plays it off naturally. "What do you need?" Felicé looks down before looking back up at Egan. "I-I was just coming in here to clean your injury.." Egan instantly gets the hint and unwrapps his bandage. Allowing her to do her job. He sits on the ledge of the bath to give her better access. The awkwardness in the air is obvious. Her being this close to Egans..

As she cleans the wound up she looks up to see 2 military dog tags around Egans neck. "Who were they?" Egan looks down and sighs. "This one was my buddy Alex, we went to boot camp together and he unfortunately didn't make it out, and this was Jerome, he went on our first mission for the 100th and unfortunately died." Egan looks away as all the memories flood back in, he chose to shut out those feelings rather than learn how to live with them.

"I'm sorry.." Felicé suddenly feels bad for asking now. Egan shakes his head. He stands up giving Felicé room to place a waterproof bandage over his stitches. Before leaving, Felicé places a gentle kiss on Egabs cheek before hurrying away. Egan touches his cheek, feeling heat in his body, happiness. It was sudden but nice. His mind is no longer on the death of his friends. It's now on Felicé, like it has been since he's met her.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I will try to start making chapters a lot longer but let me know what you guys like, longer chapters or shorter chapters?

Mon Amour ; Callum Turnerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن