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♧"No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in its preservation

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"No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in its preservation."

– General Douglas MacArthur

Egan did not perform a smooth landing in the field that he managed to get to. It was a very rough landing, causing him to get cuts all over his body from all the limbs on the ground.

Once Egan lands, he swipes the back of his hand on his forehead to see his hand covered in blood. "Fuck! Goddammit." Egan sighs pulling the front of his jacket up to wipe the blood off. This was the worst timing to bail. They were were on their way to bomb the Germans main factory and him and his boys had to bail. When you are a pilot. You choose. You go down with the plane or you leave it. This is the first plane that Bucky has had to abandon and the dissapointment he is feeling at this moment. He's ashamed to admit but he agrees with the soldiers him and Buck spoke too. Bombing during the day is really a suicide mission. He's just sending his boys to death.
"Biddick! Crosby!" Egan yells out
He then sees that the two boys landed safely, looking for the majority uninjured from the landing due to them being able to make a clean, empty field----and to his left, he sees a small house and people starring from a distance. Perfect. Egan pulls his knife out and cuts the strings off his back to let off some weight off his back.

"Let's go over there! They might have a phone to use!" Luetinant biddick shouts from across the field. Egan shoots a thumbs up in the air, allowing them to start walking over.

Biddick and Crosby make it over to the house first. When Egab catches up he notices confusion in the air the his two boys having trouble communicating. So he interrupts
"Hello, I'm Major Egan, we are Americans. We are part of the 100th bombing squad that was sent over to German." The Major states in hopes that at least one of them understands him. He scans their faces one by one, in return getting some confused looks. They look at each other back and forth at one another until one girl steps up. She's a very petite women with beautiful blonde hair and brown eyes. It seems as if the time stops but in reality just two seconds went by. She looks up at him and he looks down at her. His face expression softens. One thing he is told often is he comes off as a very angry person. He relaxes his eyebrows and unclenches his jaw.

"American?" The woman says with a French accent.
"Yes, yes! Do you have a phone we could perhaps use?" Biddick questions, bringing the attention to turn on him.

The woman nods, gesturing for the men to follow her before a man grabs her arm and says something in french. "et s'ils sont avec les Allemands" right before the women could respond, Egan butts in with the little understanding he obtained. "We aren't Germans, I can show you to the jet crash to prove we are Americans." He states. He then turns his body to the side to show all of his badges.

The lady turns to the man and communicates with him. Presumed that the man is her father. The man turns and nods his head and walks away.

Her face turns towards Egan with a concerned look. She looks afraid but also has an endearing look. She leads the three boys inside the house over to a phone on the wall. Major Egan walks over to the phone and puts in the number to base 10. "Hello? This is Major Egan, I am with lieutenant Biddick and Major Crosby" ... "Have yall landed somewhere safe?" The man over the phone asks. General Mark.
"Yes, we landed in France. I will be sending out a letter to prevent German spies from obtaining information. Tell Major Cleven for me when they get back that we have made it somewhere safe." ...Buck and Bucky are like two peas in a pods. When one is gone the other can't work properly. Egan needs to get back as soon as possible. They are limited on pilots.
Egan feels a tap on his shoulder.
"You need a place to stay for a bit? You're welcomed here if you'd like, I talked to my father." The lady questions the three men in front of her. Egan stands up, which presents himself very tall to her. This action intimidates her. As it would anybody.

"Yes please, pardon our intrusion, but if we may, it'd be perfect for us to stay here for a short period of time, just till we get someone to come get us." Egan says, smiling down at the lady. She looks up at him with a soft look before giving a very concerning look once again. She reaches her hand out to his forehead----running her thumb lightly over his cut before rushing into another room. She comes back with a green aid kit. Egab watches as she starts getting out alcohol wipes and stitching suture. Egan places his hand over hers.
"There's no need, I will be fine."
           "Shut up you Américaine. Im a nurse. " Egan let's out a chuckle before admitting defeat and allowing the girl to clean him up.

She opens a sterilized cotton swab, dipping it into a glass 10% concentrated benzoyl peroxide bottle. Then, she lifts her hand gently, resting the base of her hand on the side of his forehead and starts cleaning the deep cut. Egan winces in pain from the sudden touch. "What's your name?" Egan asks.
"Nice to meet you Felicé"

She gives him a short smile. She then starts to suture the wound. This might give off Egan as acting like a baby to wincing from the alcohol but on the other hand, stitches with no numbing cream is nothing. It's not the first time and this definitely will not be the last. "Done" "Any other?"

Egan turns his back, now facing away from her before taking his top off, first unclipping his back pack, then his vest, then the jacket, then his bullet proof vest and lastly his under shirt. Now skin exposed, she can see all the cuts on his body. Including previous scars. Other battle wounds. She gasp as she has never seen this many wounds. She's never worked on a military guy injured. Assuming she's never worked in the field department for military men. She works on cleaning them, and once she finishes, she notice Egans body feeling colder. She leans to the side and sees his face pale. Assisting him she turns his body to see a very deep cut on his lower abdomen and sever brusing surrounding the wound.

She imminently grabs a towel and starts whipping the blood off to give her a good surface to work with.

"How did you not notice?" Felicé questions, really wondering if Americans are as stupid as they have been portrayed.
"When you just jumped out of plain you don't really notice a cut like this." Felicé scoffs. Once again, like the others, she cleans the wound and stitches him up. On the other hand, with this one, she uses gauze rapper to wrap around his lower abdomen. Felicé helps Egan over to a bed which he later finds out it was her bed.


Sorry if there's a lot of typos, wattpad is getting on my nerves, everytime I click to fix a work it takes me all the way to the bottom so this chapter will have a lot of errors till my wattpad stops acting up.

Mon Amour ; Callum TurnerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя