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être dans la lune

(5 days go by) Naturally, Egan wakes up at 5 am. He notices no one happens to be awake, so he makes his way outside of the house to enjoy the peace and quiet. This mission has been on for almost a year now, and they are nowhere near done. First was set out on the 25th of June 1943, and we are reaching March. Stepping outside, he notices a slight breeze that feels nice on his warm cheeks. Taking note that he might have a fever from the blood loss from the night before.

Egan takes a seat on the bench next to the door. Taking in the air. Relaxing. He closes his eyes and rests his head back before stretching his arms out and letting out a big yawn. His eyes were still closed, and he noticed the smell in the air, changing to a foral scent. His eyes open, and he looks to his right to see Felice peaking out the door. "Don't be shy, come out," Egan chuckles, giving off a fridnly smile.

She walks out wearing her white night gown and a mesh shawl to cover her shoulders. Give a bit of warmth and stay moddest at the same time. She sits next to him. "Bonjour," Felice says before pulling her knees up to her face and resting her head on her knees. "Good morning."

"My papa is angry that I helped yall. He says I have to take care of yall since yall are my guests..." Felice says, closing her eyes sofltly. Hinting that she's still tired. " My apologies, we will help around here as much as we can, as long as your family will allow us."

As the sun rises higher and they both enjoy the silence together, Felice falls asleep. Egan places his arm underneath her knees and the other under her back to lift her up and bring her back into the house. He wouldn't dare walk into her room, so he places her onto the couch. As he was about to leave, she kept her arms wrapped around his neck and snuggled her face into the crook of his neck. Egan stays slouched down till she lets go and falls asleep. Cute.

When Egan was outside earlier he noticed their garden field needed a little cleaning up, as if it hasnt been touched in months and allowed for weeds to grow over the lawn and thats what he does, he cleans the yard up. By the time he gets done, it is now 7 a.m., and the family starts waking up. First, the brother walks out and sees Egan standing outside shirtless with garden gloves on and dirtied up from messing with dirt. The boy, Louis, pats him on the back and says a little thank you due to his limited vocabulary in engkush. Then the dad comes out. instead of giving the same reaction of the son, the dad yells. "Pas d'arrêt! D'arrêt!" The man screams, sprinting towards the man. This causes everyone else in the house to wake up. Biddick and Crosby come running out. Felicé and the mother come right behind them.

"Papa! d'arrêt!" Felicé yells. She yells, catching the attention from everybody. She then explains that this was her idea. Her dad has been sick for the past couple of months and it was always his job to do this but has been unable to and she thought it'd be a good idea for the 3 new men in the house to help, but Egan already had the idea before she even mentioned it. Her father then screams at her for even thinking of such a "ridiculous" idea and storms back into the house. Her father sees if the man of the house can't do any work its embarrassing to the family and puts shame onto the family.

"Did I do something wrong?" Egan asked. A dumb question. Felicé sighs, and she looks over to Egan with teary eyes before running off. Both Biddick and Crosby look at Egan confused, asking for answers and Egans is just as confused. Egan follows Felicé and sees that she went over to a lake sitting underneath a tree next to it. He sits down next to her. "I'm sorry." "It's not your fault.. " Felicé shoves her face into her knees, crying. Egan can't help but feel like he played a part in it because he did this without asking permission, and that was the first mistake. He leans coser, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and allowing her to lean in for a hug and let her emotions out. "I just don't want my father to be stressed, I want to help him but he does not want any help, everytime anyone tries, he yells at them, im so sorry he got angry at you, I just wanted to help, but in the end im just making this worse for every-" Egan cuts her off by gently placing his hands on her cheeks with his cold hands. Wiping her tears away. She continues to cry, not just from anger and sadness, but also embarrassment. Here she is crying in a strangers arms, but she can't help but feel some form of comfort.

Egan rests his forhead onto his. They just met, but it just feels right. In the past days him and Felice have been getting close, not only for translation but genuinely getting to know each other.

"It's gonna be okay, shh.." Egan says. Her father just needs more time to come at his own acceptance to his health decline and understand that it doesn't hurt to get help from people, especially when they are offering it.


I really need to become a more patient writer, I get so bored if relashonships don't happen relatively quick, or just stuff between the 2 characters but with this relationship, they just clicked fast but taking things slow at the same time.

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