The Takoyaki Date (Shotaro x Reader)

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Author: I've been overwhelmed with 10+ requests + Valentine's Day stories so please bear with me as I slowly get them out. I'm a college student also... Anyways, here's another requested story!🥳

Shotaro finally got to go back to his home in Japan for RIIZE's world tour and what was even better was that he got to bring his best friend Y/N. Y/N was actually Shotaro's crush but they didn't know that. Coincidentally, Shotaro was Y/N's crush but again, nobody knew.

After their first concert in Japan, Shotaro decided to ask Y/N to join him for Takoyaki but he didn't mention it as a date. Y/N secretly wished he did though but still they accepted and now they were at Shotaro's favorite restaurant eating Takoyaki. They ate in silence until Y/N spoke up.
"You did great at your concert today cutie," Y/N said.
Shotaro smiled and blushed. "Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed the show."
✨S I L E N C E ✨once again.
Shotaro sighed and stood up. "I'll be right back. Excuse me for a moment."
He ran out of the restaurant and down the road to the nearest flower shop. He picked out some purple flowers as they were Y/N's favorite color and walked back to the restaurant. While he was standing at the front of the restaurant, he paid for an extra box of Takoyaki and then walked back to Y/N who was not paying attention and looking at their phone.
Shotaro nervously took a deep breath. "Y/N?"
Y/N looked up and their eyes widened but then they laughed. "What do you have a girlfriend or something?"
"Actually I was hoping you'd be my girlfriend/boyfriend," (author: Pick whichever makes sense for you) Shotaro replied.
Y/N looked surprised again. "You really love me?"
Shotaro nodded nervously. "Yeah I do. And I got you these flowers and Takoyaki because I know you love them."
Y/N smiled. "I love you more than them cutie."
They both laughed and hugged each other and Y/N smirked. They pulled Shotaro closer and kissed him.
"I love you my baby," Y/N said.
"I love you more," Shotaro replied.
And with that, they went back to eating together.


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