Chapter 29 - Growing Family.

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The sun was warm on the beach, the sand soft and golden beneath their feet as Lily and Demi watched their son Leo, now a year old, slowly but surely learning how to walk. He wobbled a bit, took a step forward, and then sank down to the ground with a giggle. His parents laughed and cheered, encouraging him to try again. "You can do it, Leo!" Demi shouted, her eyes shining with pride.

He stood up, and stayed up, for just a moment before toppling over again, this time into Demi's waiting arms. Lily watched them both, feeling a warmth spread through her chest that had nothing to do with the sun. She remembered the day she had proposed to Demi on this very beach, not far from where they now sat. They got engaged over a year ago now, and their little family had grown so much since then.

"I'm gonna take him to the water." Demi took him by the hand, helping him walk slowly,
"Okay, I'll sit here and watch." Lily nodded, giving them a gentle smile as she leaned back on the bench they had brought with them. The air was salty and fresh, the sound of the waves crashing against the shore soothing to her ears. She glanced down at the ring she still wore on her finger, the one Demi had given her on this very beach. It was the most precious thing she owned, a symbol of their love and their life together.

She watched the two go to the water, Demi lifting Leo up and spinning around, both gigling and splashing in the shallows. The sight brought a smile to her face, and she felt a contentedness settle over her like a warm blanket. It was hard to believe that just a few years ago, they had been friends. They had shared smiles, small talk, and the occasional flirtatious comment. But it wasn't until they had spent a week together at Lily's apartment back in Aussie that they had really fallen for each other.

Lily was so calm, she knew she had made it, she was so happy with Demi and Leo, they made her life complete, and she knew she had found the person she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. She smiled as she remembered how they had met, and how they had fallen in love, it was like a fairytale come true. She knew that they would face challenges, just like any other couple, but she was certain that they could overcome anything as long as they were together.

The wrestling club was successful, many new and old faces appearing for a new term of training. Lily was busier than ever, but she always made time for Demi and Leo. They would spend evenings together, cooking dinner, watching movies, and laughing over shared memories. The love between them was palpable, and they were constantly reminded of how far they had come since that fateful day on the beach.

They had made so much money that Demi could retire from WWE early at 27, she was sad to leave this life behind her, but she had a new one waiting for her with open arms. They were able to move to a bigger house, with a big yard where Leo could run and play. Lily helped so much with the Wrestling Club. She was a respected figure in the community, known for her kindness and generosity.

The girls had even been sorting out the possibility of Leo having a little brother or sister, and while Lily wasn't sure if she was quite ready for that yet, she knew how much Demi would love it. In the meantime, they would continue to cherish their time together as a family of three. They had dreams of traveling the world, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and creating memories that would last a lifetime.

Demi ran back to Lily, with Leo in her arms, his cheeks flushed and his hair matted to his forehead. "He had so much fun," she gasped between breaths, setting Leo down on the bench beside her. "He's been walking on his own, he just loves the water." She brushed a stray strand of hair from Lily's face, their fingers grazing against each other's skin.

Lily smiled, "He is so brave, and so adorable. Theres nothing I wouldn't do for you both. You know that, right? You are my everything, Demi. You and Leo. And I want you to know that, no matter what happens, no matter where we go, or what challenges we face, we will always be together. We will always be a family. Nothing can ever change that." She kissed Demi's cheek and tickled Leo.

The sun began to set, painting the sky a breathtaking mix of pinks, oranges, and purples. The air grew cooler, and they decided it was time to head back home. They collected their things, giving Leo one last splash in the water before carrying him back to the car. As they drove back, they chatted about their day, laughing and teasing each other like they always did.

When they arrived home, Lily fixed dinner while Demi gave Leo a bath. It was a simple meal of pasta and salad, but it tasted like a feast to them. They ate together at the kitchen table, enjoying each other's company and the quiet moments in between bites. After dinner, they cleaned up together, humming softly as they worked side by side.

One moment made the girls hearts swell with pride and love. Leo, who had been struggling with speaking, suddenly looked at Demi and said "Mama" clearly. They both froze, their eyes filling with tears as they exchanged a smile. Leo giggled and looked at Lily, searching for the right word, then looked back at Demi and said it again, "Mama." Lily's heart melted, and she felt an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude wash over her. They both praised him and from then on, he could not stop saying it.

As the days went by, Leo continued to thrive. He was learning new words every day, and his confidence was growing. He loved spending time with Lily and Demi, playing in the backyard, and going for walks in the park. The three of them had formed a bond that was unbreakable.

Lily, who had once been hesitant to embrace her role as a mother, found herself completely devoted to Leo. She would read to him at night, sing him lullabies, and teach him about the world. She had even started a journal documenting all of their adventures together, so that one day he could look back and remember how much they loved each other.

As Leo grew into a toddler, their lives began to take on a new rhythm. They would wake up early, have breakfast together, and then head to the local park for a morning walk. Leo would run circles around them, his laughter filling the air, while Demi and Lily would talk about their dreams and aspirations. Sometimes, they would visit the library and check out books about different countries and cultures, imagining what it would be like to travel the world as a family.

They would come home and have lunch, often preparing a healthy meal together. Leo would help chop vegetables and stir the pots, learning important life skills while feeling valued and included. In the afternoons, they would have quiet time, where Leo would take a nap and Demi and Lily could catch up on household chores or work on their own projects. Sometimes, they would even sneak in a nap themselves, cuddled up on the couch, cherishing the rare moments of peace.

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