Chapter 27 - Wrestling Club Memories.

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Demi stopped out of the once abandoned building, that was now being transformed into a wrestling club, to take a deep breath of the fresh morning air. The sounds of construction still echoed around her as the final touches were being put on the building. The delivery trucks were lined up, their engines growling as they waited to unload the last of the equipment. The air was heavy with the scent of new wood, fresh paint, and the metallic tang of the steel rings that would soon adorn the wrestling rings.

The plumbers had been in a few day ago, adding showers, sinks and toilets in the locker rooms. The electricians had also been working around the clock, making sure that every light fixture was in place and ready to go. Now, the delivery trucks were finally here, bringing with them the much-anticipated equipment that would transform this building into a wrestling club. Demi couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement as she watched the delivery drivers unload the trucks, their muscles straining under the weight of the heavy bags, wrestling mats, and other gear. Demi even helped out where she could, offering to carry smaller items and helping to unload the trucks more efficiently.

As she worked alongside the delivery drivers, the other workers, and the club's staff, Demi couldn't shake the feeling that this was more than just a job. This was a chance to be a part of something special, something historic. She had always dreamed of becoming a professional wrestler, and now, thanks to her hard work and determination, that dream was finally within reach. The thought made her heart race with anticipation.

Everyone helped to turn this empty building into a wrestling club, Demi couldn't help but remember when she was in the Australian Wrestling club at 17, working and dreaming of one day becoming a wrestler. Now, at 27, she had made that dream a reality. She couldn't believe how far she had come. The delivery trucks finally drove off, leaving behind a trail of dust and exhaust fumes. The equipment was unloaded and stacked neatly inside the building. The wrestling mats, heavy bags, and other gear were arranged in their designated places.

As Demi stood back to admire their handiwork, she felt a sense of pride and accomplishment wash over her. She knew that there would be long hours of training ahead, both for herself and the other workers. There would be injuries, disappointments, and setbacks, but she also knew that they could handle it. They had already proven that they could turn an abandoned building into a wrestling club. What else could they accomplish together?

The sun began to rise higher in the sky, bathing the building and its surroundings in a warm, golden light. The sound of construction faded away, replaced by the chirping of birds and the gentle hum of traffic in the distance. It was a peaceful moment, but Demi knew it wouldn't last long. Soon, the wrestling club would be up and running, and the excitement would return tenfold.

A few hours pass and everything is ready, Demi rang her wife, Lily and she appears a few minutes later with baby Leo in the stroller.

"Look, Leo! This is where Mummy's going to work!" Lily says, pushing the stroller over to where Demi is standing. Leo coos happily. "He's going to be so proud of you."

Demi smiles at her wife, feeling a surge of love and admiration for her. "I'm going to miss him when I'm here, or at WWE," she says, ruffling Leo's soft hair. "But I know he'll be in good hands with you. You've done so well with him, I'm proud of you."

"Well, I'm just doing what any good mom would do," Lily replies, blushing a little. "And Leo seems to really like it here. He's always so happy when we come to visit here."

As they stood there, watching Leo gaze up at them with his big, innocent eyes, Demi couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for all the time she'd be spending away from him. But they also knew that it was necessary. This was Demi's dream, and Lily wanted her to chase it with everything she had. She believed in her, and they knew that one day, she'd be able to bring Leo with her to the ring, to share in her successes and her triumphs.

"Let's head home, the grand opening is tomorrow!" Demi wraps her arm around Lily and walks home with them. They take a leisurely stroll, enjoying the fresh air and the sounds of the neighborhood. As they walk, they pass by a small park on a hill where a group of kids are playing tag. Leo, who is usually so active and curious, seems content just watching them from his stroller.

They finally reach their cozy little house, decorated with colourful paintings and toys that Demi and Lily had handmade for Leo. The scent of freshly brewed coffee fills the air as Lily begins to prepare breakfast. Demi helps by setting the table and fetching Leo's favorite high chair. As they worked together in their small but homely kitchen, they can't help but feel a sense of contentment and love for each other.

"We've made it Lil. We got married, We live together and we have a beautiful son."

Demi says, taking a sip of her coffee, looking at Lily with so much love and admiration. Lily smiles back, feeling the same way.

They spend the rest of the day together, playing with Leo, doing laundry and preparing for the big day. They couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. The wrestling club was their baby, their dream, and now it was finally going to see the light of day. They had put in so much work, sweat, and tears into it, and they couldn't wait to share it with the world. Many parents on Facebook were sharing their kids stories of how much they love wrestling and would love the opportunity to join the club.

Demi and Lily got Leo ready for a sleep, he was so tired from all the excitement and new places. They tucked him in, gave him a kiss on his forehead and switched off the lights. The bedroom was dark and quiet, the only sound was Leo's gentle breathing as he drifted off to sleep. They tiptoed out of the room, leaving the door slightly ajar so they could check on him later. He was now old enough to sleep in his own room.

The girls sat downstairs and reminisced of the Wrestling Club back in 2013.

"Remember when we first met?" Lily asked, sipping her tea.
"Of course I do, you were so nervous and quiet. Totally different to the person you are now. You've come out your shell." Demi laughed, remembering those days. They became friends that day.
"I can't lie, there's always been some sort of feelings there for you, even from the first day. But I didn't know that was was happening was a crush." Lily smiled, looking at Demi.
Demi returned the smile, her heart fluttering. "I remember feeling the same way. You were just so different from anyone else I'd ever met. You were But I took a little longer to figure out my feelings." They both giggled, feeling a wave of affection for each other.

Lily held Demi's hand, "I can't believe how far we've come. If you would've told 17 year old me I'd be married to a WWE Superstar and be a mother by 27 I would've laughed in your face."

Demi squeezed Lily's hand, "And here we are, living the dream. It's crazy to think that all those hours of training, all those matches, and all those arguments have led us here. To this beautiful life."

"Part of me wishes I continued carrying on with Wrestling but after you left, there was no passion, it was like a chore to me.. I just wish my mum could see how well I was doing right now, she'd be so proud." Lily looked down, the ache of grief coming into her chest.
Demi wrapped her arms around Lily, holding her close. "I know, baby. I know she'd be so proud of you. And she is. She's looking down on us right now, cheering us on. You know she would've been at the grand opening tomorrow, front row, shouting the loudest for us. I like to think that she's always here with us, checking up on Leo."

The night passed quickly, with the two of them lost in their thoughts and memories. They talked about the future, about their dreams for the wrestling club and their family. They discussed the possibility of having another child, some time in the future.

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