Chapter 8 - Sobriety, Sadness and New Beginnings.

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The morning after...

Lily's first conscious thought was of a throbbing pain between her legs. Her vision blurred as she struggled to focus on the ceiling above her. As her senses returned, she realized she was naked and Demi was not there. A wave of panic washed over her as she tried to remember what had happened the night before. The room was starting to lighten, and the air was thick with the smell of alcohol. Her head pounded mercilessly, making it difficult to think straight.

She carefully extricated herself from the tangled sheets and stumbled to the bathroom, wincing as her bare feet touched the cold floor. Her reflection in the mirror was a sight she couldn't quite process: her hair was a mess, her makeup was smeared, and her body was covered in hickeys and bruises. She felt a stab of embarrassment as she realised that she must have been quite the sight last night. She barely remembered what had happened, only remembering Demi coming out as bi.

She winced as she took a step closer to the mirror, trying to remember how to wash her face without opening her eyes. Her head was still pounding, and she felt nauseated. As she stood there, trying to gather her thoughts, she noticed a piece of paper stuck to the mirror with a suction cup. Her name was written on it in Demi's familiar loopy script. With trembling hands, she carefully peeled it off and unfolded it.

The note read:
I don't know what happened last night, but I want to apologize for anything I might have said or done that made you feel uncomfortable. I've never been more into someone than I am into you right now, and I promise to respect your boundaries and give you the space you need. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

I'm going to give you some time alone, but when you're ready to talk, I'm here for you. In the meantime, I've put some clothes and towels on the bed for you. Take your time and feel better.

Lily felt a lump form in her throat as she read the note. Demi's words were heartfelt and sincere, and they made her heart ache. She didn't know what to feel anymore. Part of her was angry at the fact that she let her guard down and another part still wanted Demi. She sat down on the edge of the bed, staring at the piece of paper in her hands, struggling to make sense of her emotions.

She got dressed and noticed Demi's bag was gone, where was she?

The events of the night before began to flood back into her mind, the feeling of Demi's lips on hers, the way they danced together, the confession, and all the stuff inbetween.

She couldn't believe that Demi was bi, she had never considered that possibility before. It made her feel a little self-conscious, like she had been wrong about something important. But at the same time, it made her heart flutter with hope. She wondered what it would be like to explore this newfound attraction to Demi, to see where it might lead.

As Lily sat on the edge of her bed, she got the courage to ring Demi, it rang for a few seconds before going to the answer phone, Lily felt as if Demi had purposefully declined the call and it hurt. But then, a minute later, her phone rang. It was an unfamiliar number, but she answered it anyway. "Hello?"

Demi's voice was shaky, "Lily, it's me."

"Where are you?" Lily asked, her heart racing.

"I'm... I'm at a park nearby, as you rang me my phone died so I found a phone box, I just needed some time to clear my head."

"Look, Demi, I read the note and I'm really sorry about everything that happened too. I'm not angry with you, I promise. I just... I need to figure out how I feel about all this."

There was a long pause on the other end of the line. "I understand," Demi said eventually. "I'm willing to give you that time, but I hope you know that I'm here for you whenever you're ready to talk."

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