Chapter 13 - Pictures.

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3 Months Later...

It was a quiet December evening, and Lily was sitting by the window, staring out into the darkness. The snow was falling softly, creating a peaceful scene that was almost surreal. As she took a sip of her hot chocolate, her thoughts drifted to Demi. She had been working so hard lately, and she couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for not being there for her more.

She remembered the last time they had seen each other, when Demi had come over for a quick visit before heading back to the WWE circuit. They had made love passionately, their bodies intertwined like two puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly. Afterwards, they had curled up on the couch together, watching one of their favourite movies, their laughter filling the room. That seemed to be their routine for meeting up.

Lily's heart ached for more time with Demi, for a chance to really be together without the constant fear of loneliness. She knew that Demi felt the same way, as they had talked about it many times. They both wished for a normal life, one where they could wake up together every morning and go to sleep in each other's arms every night. But for now, they had to make do with what they had.

Lily was chilling, when she received a notification. She opened Snap, her heart racing in anticipation as she saw a new Snap from Demi. It was a photo, and she opened it eagerly. Her breath caught in her throat as she saw Demi's naked body, the light from the screen casting a warm glow over her skin. Demi looked incredible, more beautiful than ever. She had sent Lily a nude photo with the caption 'All yours bbg x'.

Taken aback by the sudden intimacy of the moment, Lily's fingers trembled as she typed out a reply. "Oh my god,'re so beautiful," she wrote, her words barely legible from the rush of emotions. "I wish I could see you right now...touch you..." She couldn't help but wonder what Demi was doing at that moment. Was she thinking about Lily too? Did she miss her as much as Lily missed her?

As if in answer to her thoughts, another Snapchat notification popped up on her screen. Heart pounding, Lily clicked on the picture to find another nude photo of Demi, this time posing seductively against a mirror, with her hand on her sweet spot. The caption read, "I wish you were here to make me feel even better..." The words sent a shiver down Lily's spine.

Lily took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart. She couldn't help but wonder what Demi would do if she showed up at her doorstep right now. Would they be able to find a way to make the most of the situation? Or would they be forced to content themselves with these stolen moments, these snippets of intimacy, these glimpses into each other's most private desires?

She quickly composed herself, typing out a reply that she hoped would convey all of her emotions. "Oh Demi," she wrote, her fingers flying over the keyboard. "I wish I could be there with you right now. To feel your skin against mine, to kiss you until we're both breathless. I miss you so much...and I just want us to be together." She hesitated for a moment, then added a heartfelt, "I love you."

After hitting send, Lily stared at the screen, her heart pounding. She didn't know what Demi would say or do next. She only hoped that her words had the desired effect. Minutes ticked by, and still there was no response. The silence was almost unbearable.

Finally, her phone buzzed with a new notification. Lily's heart leapt into her throat as she saw that it was a video this time. Lily bit her lip as she opened the video and watched, her breath caught in her chest. There was Demi, on the screen, rubbing herself slowly and sensually, her moans echoing through the room. As she neared the climax, her eyes seemed to glaze over, and she let out a long, shuddering moan. "Lily..." she whispered, her voice husky and needy. And then, just as Demi reached her peak, she arched her back and came, her fingers curling inward as she let out a long, shuddering breath. Her chest rising and falling rapidly.

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