Chapter 25 - Welcome to the world.

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The day finally arrived. The day Lily went into labour with her baby boy.

As the contractions began to intensify, Lily found it increasingly difficult to focus on anything other than the pain coursing through her body. She knew she needed to call someone, but her phone was nowhere to be found. In desperation, she stumbled to the window and dialed 911 with shaking fingers. Demi was out shopping so she was on her own. The dispatcher calmly walked her through the steps of labor and assured her that help was on the way.

She messages Demi, alerting her of the labour and Demi rushed home immediately. In the meantime, the paramedics arrived and checked Lily's vitals. They told her that she was in active labour and needed to go to the hospital right away. As they wheeled her out to the ambulance, Demi finally arrived, tears streaming down her face. The paramedics assured them that they would get Lily to the hospital as quickly as possible.

Demi and Lily entered the Ambulance, both feeling a mix of fear and excitement. The paramedics expertly monitored Lily's vitals throughout the journey, reassuring them that everything was progressing normally. As they approached the hospital, Lily began to feel the urge to push. The paramedics had luckily pulled up to the hospital and rushed her inside. They were met by a team of doctors and nurses who guided Lily into a delivery room.

Lily squeezed Demi's hand tightly as the urge to push washed over her. She felt a surge of adrenaline and determination as she pushed with all her might. The doctors and nurses guided her through each contraction, offering words of encouragement and assurance. With each push, the baby moved closer to the world outside of her. Demi had never heard Lily scream like this before, she was so shocked by the intensity of it. But she knew that Lily was strong, and she could do this.

The delivery room was a flurry of activity, with doctors and nurses working together to bring this new life into the world. They carefully monitored Lily's progress, making sure that both she and the baby were healthy and safe. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Lily felt an unbelievable sense of relief as her baby was delivered into the world, the loud cry was somewhat comforting, he was taking his first breath. The doctor placed the baby on Lily's chest, and she gasped at the sight of him. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

Demi, tears streaming down her face, leaned over and kissed Lily, tears mixing with the sweat on her forehead. "You did it, baby," she whispered, her voice cracking with emotion. "You're a mom now." Lily looked up at Demi, her eyes filled with wonder and love, and she couldn't help but cry. "We're parents," she said, her voice barely audible over the sounds of the hospital around them.

The nurse placed their newborn son in Lily's arms, and she cradled him gently, tears streaming down her face. "Oh, sweetie," she cooed, "you're finally here." She felt a surge of protectiveness and love wash over her as she gazed down at their baby boy. Demi leaned in close, wiping away a tear from her own cheek. "He's perfect," she whispered, her voice trembling.

Lily smiled up at Demi, her eyes still fixed on their son. "He's more than perfect," she said, her voice barely audible. "He's ours." And in that moment, they both knew that their lives had changed forever. They were no longer just partners, but parents.

They already had a name planned out and his name was Leo Bennett-Taylor.

The nurses cleaned them both up, and soon enough, they were settled into a private room together. Leo was placed in his bassinet, and Lily couldn't help but stare at him, marveling at every tiny detail: his perfect little fingers, his tiny toes, the softness of his skin. Demi sat beside her, holding her hand, and they both gazed at their baby boy in silence.

Time seemed to slow down as they adjusted to this new reality, this new life they had created together. They took turns feeding Leo, changing his diaper, and simply enjoying his presence. They talked about their hopes and dreams for him, about the kind of person they wanted him to be. They talked about their own childhoods, their families, their fears and anxieties. And in those moments, they felt a deep sense of connection that they had never experienced before.

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