Chapter 14: Chapter Fourteen

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He could see the concentration on Harry's face and the sweat as it trailed down his face and neck. His hand shook slightly as he held it over the pile. Severus could feel the magic on the air as he watched Harry closely. After a very long time, Harry placed his wand to the side and opened his hand before placing it over the stones. He whispered a spell and the air felt like it was sucked out of the room. The breath stuck in Severus's throat as the magic disappeared and the stones flashed before fading.

Harry lifted his hand up as he blinked his eyes open. Severus held out a cloth as those green eyes focused on him. Harry took it with a nod and wrapped it around his hand and Severus helped tie it for him.

"One more," Harry said, his voice soft. "Can you bag these up?"

"Yes, sir."

Severus pulled out a cloth bag and picked up each stone with care. Harry had picked up his wand again and closed his eyes as he moved on to the next spell that he had to perform. Severus placed the last stone into the bag before standing. He walked over to the trunk and placed the stones in there. He started when he heard a bang and swirled around.

Harry laid sprawled out on the floor and the breath caught in Severus's throat. He dashed across the room and fell to his knees before his teacher. He grabbed Harry's shoulder and shook him but he was out cold. Severus cursed as he took in how pale Harry looked before jumping to his feet. He rushed to the door and ripped it open. The Mediwitch looked up from her book before jumping to her feet.

"He just passed out," Severus said in a rush.

She hurried past him and into the room. She knelt down beside Harry and pulled her wand. Severus walked back as the Mediwitch ran a spell that brought up Harry's vital in the air. Even with his warning, Severus hadn't thought that Harry would really pass out. He crouched down on the other side of Harry and looked at the numbers in the air.

"Magic fatigue," the Mediwitch told him. "Blood pressure is down as well."

"I have blood replenishing potions," Severus said and walked over to the trunk and pulled the right ones out.

He walked back over and held the potions out. The Mediwitch flicked her wand and the contents of the vials disappeared since Harry couldn't take them. Severus pocketed the empty vials as he watched the numbers change on the air.

"He needs more sleep," the woman remarked as she flicked her wand then paused. "That can't be right."

"What?" Severus asked.

"His age," the Mediwitch said and flicked her wand again. "He looks like he's in his mid-thirties..."

Severus frowned and looked at the numbers, "what about it?"

"Two hundred and forty-one," the Mediwitch said and pointed to the number. "There must be something wrong with the spell or he looks very good for his age. I'm getting a few other odd readings here as well..."

Harry chose that moment to groan as he rolled onto his back completely. Severus's eyes flicked down as Harry's pants rode down low on his hips. The Mediwitch grabbed Harry's shoulder as the man blinked his eyes open.

"Just lay still," the Mediwtich advised. "You passed out."

"Great," Harry muttered and placed his arm over his eyes.

"I'll just fix this cut up as well," the woman said as she grabbed Harry's hand.

Severus helped her untie the bloody cloth. Harry just lay there while Severus's eyes wandered. He was unsure why Harry had needed to do the spell work in just his jeans, which he wasn't complaining about, but it did make him wonder. The Mediwitch didn't seem surprised by Harry's state of undress.

Golden Age by black_bladeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz