Leo Male - Milo Torch (savannah_marguerite)

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Name: Milo 'Pyro' Torch

Age: 16

District: Leo

Birthday: July 25

Personality: Pyro likes being the center of attention, as do most in his district, but Pyro will (and has) literally burn down buildings for a shot at the spotlight. He hasn't picked up the whole "be a hero" idea that his district preaches. He is bold, and he is brave, but he has a terrible notion that all press is good press. He is vain, disgustingly so, but he tries not to judge others as harshly as the rest of his sign. Pyro has sort of a reputation in his district, but he wants to live it down. He loves to hunt, but he's awful at it.

Appearance: Pyro looks far older than he is, which is also far older than he acts. He's very average for someone his age. He's not very tall, but he's not very short. He's not fat, but not skinny. His only defining feature is his hair. Dyed and styled to look just like fire, it sets him apart from everybody else. It's red, orange, and yellow, and styled up to a point on top of his head.

Background: Pyro was born to two Cancers, four days later than expected. This meant that he was put in a home for children until somebody was willing to take him or he turned 14. The orphanage was really rough. The district didn't care about it, so they had to find work and food anywhere they could. When Pyro was turned out, he cried for days. He was homeless. He ended up finding a home in the forest, but he had anger boiling inside of him ever since. One day, when he was fifteen, he stuck some matches in his pocket and grabbed a big stick. He marched into town, lit the stick on fire, and threw it at a building. That sparked a huge fire, consuming multiple office buildings. He ran away, with the police after him. He was caught and jailed, until this Game came around. He was given a choice: spend life in prison, or head up to his certain death in the clouds.

Author Games: Written in the StarsWhere stories live. Discover now