Capricorn Female - Wilhelmina Kaplan (SilverAndGoldfish)

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Name: Wilhelmina "Will" Kaplan

Age: Fifteen

District: Capricorn

Birthday: January 12th

Personality: Will, like many Capricorns, is someone who doesn't mind taking on many responsibilities. Interestingly enough, though she is outspoken and stubborn to a fault, Will has a hard time saying no and often takes on too much responsibility because she hates to disappoint others and herself. She's a intelligent, hardworking, and ambitious person who is often hard on herself if she can't achieve any goal she's set. She relies on her determination when her confidence waivers. Will is more of a free spirit than most Capricorns are made out to be but tries not to show it. Though she's a friendly person, Will tends to compete with her peers without realizing it and strives to be the best of them. Will is someone in control of their emotions but her temper often runs away with her.

Appearance: Will has brown hair that's so dark it's often mistaken for black, cut just underneath her ears after her fifteenth birthday led her to decide that she no longer enjoyed having her hair down to her waist. Her observant blue eyes are found behind a pair of black glasses that make her look a few years past fifteen. Will has never been a short girl and is one of the tallest girls her age, though the boys have begun to grow taller than her. Her build is willowy and seems almost regal when combined with the confident way she carries herself. It's clear that she has recently left her childhood behind, her face becoming less round and the angles of her body becoming sharper. Will believes herself to be pretty, because that's what she's been told, but her looks have never been extremely important to her.

Background: While not the parents that gave birth to her, Will's mother and father raised her in a surprisingly loving home for a pair of Capricorns. While they taught her the ways of the world and how to be great in the District she'd been born into, they were slightly unconventional parents and never pressured her to be like other people. Later, she realized that many other Capricorns disliked her parents' behavior. Will strived to be unlike them and proved at an early age that she was a good Capricorn.

Author Games: Written in the StarsWhere stories live. Discover now