Scorpio Male - Sterling Darnell (jacobfulton7)

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Name: Sterling Darnell

Age: 19

District: Scorpio

Birthday: October 27th

Personality: Sterling is, as he'd like to say, "flirtatious." although its a little more than that. Scorpio is well-known for their parties, and Sterling is well-known for never going home alone. His charisma and cunning intelligence ensure that he can ensnare anyone he sets his eyes on. And it doesn't hurt that he's so incredibly good-looking either. But underneath all that, he's secretly very insecure. He doesn't have a good opinion of himself, so he turns to others to affirm him. Even so, he is rarely ever happy. Because of this, he's gotten into risk-taking. He doesn't care about his life at all. At first he only cut himself, but now that isn't enough. Some day he might die, and he wouldn't even care. He's worthless to himself, no matter what others say. All he wants is to be loved, but he keeps his walls up because he doesn't think he's lovable.

Appearance: Sterling is definitely an attractive human. He has short blonde hair that's spiked up in the front, which is set off by his sparkling green eyes. He has prominent cheekbones that complement his teeth, white and perfectly straight. He is well-muscled as well, making him any girl's (or guy's) dream.

Background: As a child, Sterling was hated in his house. His parents were abusive towards him, and he was often told he was worthless. Then again, who could really compete with a dead brother who was immortalized as perfect? As soon as he was legally an adult he moved out, getting an apartment in the center of the district. He tried to move away from the memories of his parents and brother, but he could never really escape. To this day, he is still haunted by them. He hasn't seen any evidence of them in over a year, but the recollections are still there. And they probably won't ever leave.

Author Games: Written in the StarsWhere stories live. Discover now