Virgo Female - Estelle Ashwood (SayHiToNeverland)

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Name: Estelle Ashwood

Age: 15

District: Virgo

Birthday: 28th August

Personality: Estelle is the kind of girl who will say exactly what she thinks when she thinks it. Peoples feelings never seem to be a priority for Estelle and in order to achieve her goals she will give criticism, no matter how brutal. Equally, living in such a honest district Estelle has become immune to people's harsh words and has learnt how to build people up as quick as she can rip them down. Like her fellow Virgos Estelle doesn't like to be the centre of attention, but does like to be in charge- she is more a director than an actor. She loves being in charge but always acts modestly when praised, even though if she finishes a project she would have gotten it as humanly close to perfection as possible. Estelle is basically an ice princess with a silver tongue who is an overachieving tendency.

Appearance: Estelle has dark olive skin, similar to her parents and a sleek chestnut coloured chin length bob, with a thick fringe which rest on her eyebrows. Estelle's eyes are dark brown, constantly analysing and judging, with long dark lashes. Estelle has a boyish figure, with very few curves and a reasonably toned body due to a regular fitness routine. She is quite tall, reaching 5''6 and this has got her a few modelling jobs for her district's fashion industry.

Background: Estelle was born an only child to two Virgo parents, who run one of the beautiful holiday homes that are popular among many gods. Estelle was used to model clothing as a small child and she was always the popular kid at school. This was until she was about nine when everyone started becoming allot harsher on her, which is when she started to become the ice queen people see today. She got an internship at a fashion house at about 11 on the weekends and occasionally helps with the designs a long with her school work.

Author Games: Written in the StarsWhere stories live. Discover now