"Wow, I had no idea you can sew out clothes, Yumi," says Konohamaru who was very satisfied with his set of kimono that he can't leave in front of the lifesized whole body mirror.

"Glad you like it," she replied that had him turned to her and gave her a serious look.

Hiro pushed Hansuke and Hideout on their backs to get out of the room then pulled Kyousuke on his wrist even with the whining protest just because he's waiting for his turn to use the mirror.

"I really applaud your insensitivity, Kyousuke," Hiro comments, leaning his back on the wall with his arms crossed.

"Why? Is something going on between the three of you?" Asked Hansuke that he immediately covered his mouth by his hands, thinking that it was the matter he shouldn't go mentioning so carelessly.

"Say, Hansuke. Maybe we should take our leave. Besides, we already had the kimono," suggested Hideo which he was signalling that there was something going on that they shouldn't get involved.

"Yeah, I think the kimono doesn't needs adjustments too."

That said, they changed back to their clothes and left that only leave Hiro and Kyousuke standing just outside the room, waiting for something that they don't even know what.

"What's with the big idea, Hiro? Why did we even left the room?" He stole a glance inside Yumi's room then switch it back to Hiro once again. "What is in your brain of yours, speak."

"It's nothing personal," he sighs the glanced back inside the room. "I just thought that Yumi and him could talk. I mean, we tried speaking to her and how she had acted the entire time was like we're talking to a puppet. You know? Lifeless but it somehow moving and talking like how ventriloquy works its magic in shows?"

Kyousuke who's mad just because of the mirror, suddenly realised that it was actually not a simple thing, it's a serious matter. He went to stand beside him and also leaned his back against the wall as his brain fills him up again with the questions he wanted to know.

"Her eyes, you saw it too, right?" He asked to the person whom he actually acknowledges his intellect which Hiro expressed a serious face. "And you know it before that happened?" He asked further.

"Of course I don't know that," he cut off that Kyousuke only says a quiet "oh." "I only pretended like I did not see it, because it won't help anything if I had expressed myself on how surprised I was during that time anyway," he explained.

"Honestly, I kinda envy that personality of you, Hiro. I'm the type of person who over thinks and overanalyze that it would distract me. It made me susceptible on getting panic which an aspiring doctor should never have," he finally said what was on his mind about him and Hiro, but enough about personal matter, he immediately open up the said topic once again. "But you didn't tried to even think of going in depths to it, right?"

"Overwhelming emotions had caused her to awaken that and probably she didn't mean to show it on purpose with how her guards are so low at that time that any one from us would be able to kill her if we had the intention to do so. And for our sensei, I had no idea it was a real deal. I thought it was only a legend."

"That doesn't even answered the question."

Hiro let out a sigh, "Yumi and so did Keisuke-sensei had been hiding something about themselves. I am curious, but I won't push them to answer just because of that. I know you too," he turned his eyes on the side to look at him, "you also had something that you were hiding about yourself."

Kyousuke let out a sigh, "yeah, you're probably right. But among the four of us, I was the most transparent."

"Is there something wrong?" He asked, pulling a chair to sit right next to her. "You can talk to me, I'll listen."

Wish my Reflection Can Tell me Who I Am..Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu