xiii. eleven o'clock

Start from the beginning

"They're not hung up by choice," She sighed, grabbing the white jacket hanging on the back of her desk chair. "My mom is a psycho who just happens to have one hundred of the same photo frames."

Coriolanus chuckled. "What? You can't even decorate your own room?"

He expected a laugh to come from Selah, but when she only solemnly shook her head. Coriolanus felt his smile slip away and his chest tighten a bit. For a moment, he felt sorry for the girl, but it was quickly washed away once he remembered all of the many luxuries she had that he did not. A big house, a spacious room, parents, whether they were loving or not, the promise of having dinner every night. Coriolanus had none of that. He couldn't help but to feel envy.

"Okay, you ready?" Selah asked, a folded up paper towel in one of her hands, and the other one reaching out towards Coriolanus. He looked at her hand curiously as he hesitantly took it. "Just take the damn thing, it's not going to kill you."

     "Ok," He said gruffly, "But what is it?"

      "Leftovers," Selah replied, walking over the window Coriolanus entered through and climbing onto the branch. The cool night air hit her like a brick and she was glad she had grabbed a jacket. Then she looked back at Coriolanus, who had nothing but a white t-shirt on, and gulped. "You're going to be cold. Get one of my jackets from my closet."

     Coriolanus scoffed. "I am not cold."

     Selah bit down on her lip, suppressing the witty comments begging to be released. She had tried to be kind to him, but if he wanted to be a stubborn asshole then so be it. "Whatever. Now, let's go before we wake my parents up." He nodded, waiting for Selah's feet to solidly hit the ground before climbing down himself.

     They began their walk, neither one bothering to make conversation with one another. Luckily, the awkwardness wouldn't last too long as the zoo was only about a ten minute walk from Selah's house. Though, the silence didn't last at all, because only a few steps further, Coriolanus began to speak.

    "So, how much trouble are you in with your parents?"

Selah rolled her eyes, though kept her head straight. "Wouldn't you like to know."

"Yes. That's why I asked, Selah."

"I'm not allowed to leave the house for the next week other than to attend class," She answered, "That won't stop me, though. Neither of them are going to be home enough to notice me missing."

Coriolanus nodded wordlessly. "I'm still waiting for your apology, you know." Selah continued, pulling the jacket tighter around her shoulders to provide herself more warmth.

    "Apology? What for?"

     "Don't play dumb, Coriolanus," Selah hissed, the annoyance clear in her tone. "You know that I was the one who saved your ass, not the other way around. You made me look like a fool."

     "No, you made yourself look like a fool," He rebutted. They were nearing the zoo as the hushed voices of the tributes were beginning to become audible. "I cannot help that you do not know how to speak for yourself. You had the chance to call me a liar but you did not. Instead, you laid there as you apologized to me. Do not fault me for your own cowardice."

     "You are such a dick, Coriolanus," Selah bit back, stopping in her tracks. He stopped as well, turning to face her. "We both know well that my parents wouldn't believe me over you. After all, what's a woman's word to a man's?"

     "You are a bright girl, Selah, but your stupidity is shining past that right now." Coriolanus started to walk again. "Your parent's lack of belief in you is not my issue."

     Selah stomped up behind him, grabbing the wrapped up food from his hand. She opened the napkin up, revealing a peanut butter sandwich, only for her to throw it down onto the pavement and squish it with the bottom of her shoe.

     "And your tributes hunger is not my issue," She spat at him. "You just better hope she can still sing on an empty stomach, or it's bye, bye sponsorships."

every piece of dialogue i write
for them, i read in a british accent
and i don't know why.

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