44. It's always been WangXian since the day the first notes came into my head.

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The Jingshi was empty when he got there. "I'll just have a look around," Wei WuXian told himself. "It's to be my home after tomorrow anyways...." There wasn't much to find. A loose floorboard hid a few oddities: sets of scribbled-on paper, a drawing of Lan WangJi wearing a flower in his hair, a faded red ribbon. "You kept these?" He whistled in slight awe, flicking through page after page of one of the many copies of the Rules he'd done at fifteen. "Such a fuddy-duddy!" The portrait he stared at for a long time, picking out flaws. "I didn't really know you then. It resembles you quite a bit, but.... It's missing the way your eyes get all tender when they look at me. You look stuffy sitting so straight.... You're not stuffy at all, though, are you." He traced a finger over the portrait's lips. "I got these completely wrong. They look severe, not kissable...." He put everything back as best he could.

It took far longer to find where his husband stashed his porn: one of the bookcases had a false bottom. The first book removed was rather typical in the boy-fucks-girl porn of his youth with the change that it was two boys fucking each other. It was the standard kids from warring families meet, become friends, not really understanding why they need to be enemies over a fifty year old feud. Then one day, one or both families finds out they're friends, stuff happens, and the boys need to do something about it. Naked of course. The only difference, really, is that neither of the boys ends up pregnant, thus ending the feud.

The second book was the typical 'child gets sold into a brothel' and actually enjoys the work. There was no additional plot. It was just chapter after chapter of the guy being fucked by his clients.

The third was yet another stereotypical harem one. Barbarians invade the Empire. The Emperor himself leads the resistance, winning the battles. The barbarian warriors who survive are horribly mutilated (which was a not so refreshing change from the standard 'everyone gets their head chopped off). In this case, each barbarian warrior had his right leg cut off above the knee. Wei WuXian shuddered at that picture. The barbarian chief, of course, had a teenaged, beautiful child. The chief is expecting to be killed; the emperor spares him, only cutting off both of his legs at the knee. The child and all pretty women are removed to the emperor's household to be enslaved as servants, concubines, or given as gifts to the emperor's advisors. The barbarian chief's child is, of course, sent to be part of the emperor's harem and is treated quite cruelly until the emperor realizes he's fallen in lust and later, love. The only change was that the barbarian chief's daughter would give birth to the next emperor thus uniting the barbarians with the empire, while a son could not.

The fourth one was the one Lan WangJi had kept from Wei WuXian in their tent that night. Skimming over it, Wei WuXian saw images of the main character having sex with both men and women. "Mmm? Lan Zhan... I thought you were attracted to only men...." He settled down to read, only to find himself disturbed almost immediately. The protagonist had saved the wealthy merchant's daughter from a band of robbers. Then turned colors and immediately raped her in her own carriage as payment. She struggled and cried, of course, but then inexplicably became aroused at his prowess and begged him to continue. "I can't imagine that ever being close to reality. No wonder you didn't want me to read this." He flipped forward a few chapters to where the protagonist encountered a young man in an inn's dining room. He drugged the boy with an aphrodisiac and proceeded to fuck the boy in front of all the other patrons. Again, the boy cried that he didn't want it, until he all of a sudden started praising his rapist's body and what it was doing. "Unrealistic." Other chapters showed the victims trying to run, to escape, only to be caught and raped or caught, tortured, and then raped. The victims all struggled and cried piteously until they were overwhelmed by his cock's skill and fucked into orgasm after orgasm.

"Is this what you want? You liked it the other night when I was helpless.... I liked it, too." he thought about enacting a version of these stories.... Of being chased through the woods, only to be captured and ravished by his husband. Of walking into an inn, seeing a beautiful 'stranger', drugging him, and... well, he didn't think he'd be up to public sex, but taking his 'drugged' Lan Zhan to their room wouldn't be inappropriate, would it?

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