18. Jiang WanYin interrupts: I'll kill him!

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They postponed the fourth attempt because it was supposed to occur at the same time as Jiang YanLi's wedding.

The family rooms of the Jiang compound in Koi Tower were just as ostentatious as the public rooms. Wei WuXian was very happy to see that the room he was assigned was decidedly less so; everything non-wood in the room was painted a golden color, but at least they were neither made of gold nor plated in gold. "Gives me a headache," he complained to his sect leader.

"Once A'Jie's wedding is over, you have to pack up from Cloud Recesses and come home," Jiang WanYin ignored the whining. "I need you at home."

"My Core is still damaged. Wen Daifu has a treatment plan in place, but it hasn't worked so far. She's hopeful; I think it's a long shot."

"Wen Daifu? You can continue the treatment. Just from here instead of there."

Wei WuXian plopped onto a couch and folded his legs up under him. "And my work in Cloud Recesses? I'm just supposed to abandon them?"

Jiang WanYin glared at his head disciple. "Your first priority is to YunmengJiang. If Lan XiChen and Lan QiRen can't understand you have a responsibility to my sect, they should probably read their three thousand rules again. I'm sure it's in there somewhere."

"Rule one thousand, five hundred, twenty-three. I think," the older one sighed and shuddered. "I can't believe I remember that. Alright. I'll tell them. I'll need to arrange with Lan WangJi, too." He's not going to be happy about not having daily access to clean my meridians anymore.

Jiang WanYin slumped on the other end of the couch. "You spend too much time with him. What's the treatment plan?"

"With Wen Daifu?" The sect leader nodded. "I'm practicing dual cultivation. But so far..."

"I'll kill her," Jiang WanYin interrupted. "I'm going to wring her neck. Slowly." He paused, fists clenched, Zidian flashing, "Unless she's pregnant."

"What? Why would you kill her?" Wei WuXian sat up straight.

"Dual cultivation? Without asking my permission? Is she pregnant? You'll get married right away. Women die in childbirth all the time. I can make it seem like an accident, right?"

"Pregnant?" Wei WuXian screeched. "How would I know if Wen Daifu is pregnant? And why are you going to kill her?" He could feel his entire body turning bright red. I'm shameless. I'm not 'let's talk about women I barely know potentially being pregnant' shameless!

Jiang WanYin snorted. "Don't play dumb. You know how babies are made. So. Is she pregnant? Or can I kill her as soon as the wedding is over?"

"Please don't kill anyone. I really don't know if Wen Daifu is pregnant. She spends her time checking my meridians, not the other way around."

Jiang WanYin yelled, "You're fucking her and you don't know if you got her pregnant?"

Wei WuXian's face paled. "Fucking her? Who's.... Me? I'm not... How? Why would you think I had sex with Wen Qing? She'd kill me for even suggesting it! Have you seen the size of her needles? Big as swords!"

The sect leader stood up and loomed over his shixiong. "You literally said you were dual cultivating with her. And now you're saying you haven't had sex? Which is it?"

"I'm not to both!!" Wei WuXian shuffled back on the couch a bit. "I'm not dual cultivating with Wen Qing in any case. She's just watching and monitoring."

Jiang WanYin's face turned purple. "She's watching you dual cultivate with someone? And you let her? What kind of perversion is going on over there? Who are you dual cultivating with?"

"Lan Zhan..." Wei WuXian started to explain, but his sect leader talked over him.

Roared over him. "I'll kill him! I don't even have to wait to see if you're pregnant. I'll castrate him first. Slowly. With a dull kitchen knife. Her, too. I'll kill her, too, for allowing this. For watching you."

"Castrate?' Wei WuXian blanched and pressed his thighs together as much as possible. "You... you really don't have to hurt Lan Zhan. He's trying to help!"

"Help?" Jiang WanYin snorted. "Fucking you and calling it dual cultivation while Wen Qing watches is him trying to help? How is that helping you get your Core working properly?"

Wei WuXian stood and screamed at his sect leader. "I'm not fucking Lan Zhan!"

"Of course not," Jiang YanLi calmly agreed from the doorway. "That would be crude. Lan Er Gongzi is not crude." She smiled warmly. "Hello, A'Xian. I'm so glad you're here." She gave both of her brothers her hands and squeezed their's tightly. "Perhaps A'Xian could start from the beginning? Without interruptions?" She gave her younger brother a stern glare.

"Yes," the maligned one sniffed. "Lan Zhan and I dual cultivate once a month. We keep all of our clothing on, ChengCheng. We don't touch, except at the knees. Wen Daifu holds one of my wrists to monitor my meridians and Core. We meditate for a couple of hours and then he shoves every bit of yang energy that he can into my body while I shove everything I have at him. I then spend the next four days in agonizing pain because dual cultivation hurts. It's not exciting; it's not titillating. It's nothing like what we giggled over as kids. And I have no idea if Wen Qing is pregnant. I'm far too scared of her to even look the idea at her."

"So I can't kill them?" Jiang WanYin wrenched his hand away and hmphed back onto the couch, pouting in a grand imitation of a two year old deprived of a treat. "I can't kill anyone apparently!"

"Who else do you want to kill?" Wei WuXian asked.

"Jin ZiXuan!"

"Why do you want to kill him?"

"He got A'Jie pregnant!"

Wei WuXian wrenched his hand from his shijie's. "I'll kill him, then. After the wedding. I'll gut him and castrate him. We can feed him his entrails and then you can use that dull kitchen knife to cut his head off."

Jiang YanLi laughed. "You can't kill Jin ZiXuan. Sweet A'Xian... wanting to save my honor?"

"They did it on purpose," Jiang WanYin grumped. "Jin GuangShan kept finding new reasons to postpone the wedding. This way he can't stop it, and had to push it up before he destroyed his son's reputation."

Dear readers

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

Dear readers.

I've been taking the chapter titles from LWJ's words or thoughts. But he's not in this chapter. Oops?

I could extend the chapter, but then it's too long. Ok. Maybe not too long to read, but too much of my writing and I've almost caught up to myself (posting vs what's been written). I need to write more. But those darn sexy scenes just take up so much time.... I could leave them out, of course, but.... I like to have them sometimes. You know what I mean? Such a huge part of WangXian is their physical manifestation of their love for each other. Especially when writing them in sort of the appropriate time. The original WangXian couldn't keep their hands off each other even before they consummated their love.

I hope you enjoy this brief chapter. Thank you for reading.
- Aitch.

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