35. Jiang YanLi Interrupts: Love bites

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A week. Lan WangJi refused to allow him to leave his bed to do anything more strenuous than use the latrine for three days. Then enforced a curriculum of writing letters and listening to music, of silent meditation, morning and afternoon naps, and eating. But now, he was packing up what he would need for a short visit to Koi Tower.

He was still too thin, hadn't fully recovered from the strain he'd placed on his body all spring. It was more than pleasant being held firmly in Lan Zhan's arms as they flew. Looking down occasionally made him feel nauseated and weaker from fear of falling; keeping his eyes closed or focused on his love's face alleviated that feeling. Lan Zhan would never let him fall.

Jiang YanLi was, somehow, even more beautiful than ever. "Meet Jin Ping, A'Xian," she carefully handed over the cloth bundle containing a sleeping baby. "She's been patiently waiting for her dajiu to visit."

"She's perfect, ShiJie," Wei WuXian breathed. "As perfect as her mother. Hello Ping'Er," he whispered. "I'm sorry I haven't come to see you earlier."

"I understand, XianXian."

"No hogging my niece," Jiang WanYin huffed, stomping into the room. "After the last few days, I need a cuddle."

"Make your own baby," Wei WuXian shifted Jin Ping away from the sect leader. "You can have her when my arms fall off."

"What happened, A'Cheng," Jiang YanLi asked.

He huffed and pouted. "I have received forty-three marriage proposals in the past three days. Eight of which I previously declined. Forty-three, Wei WuXian! Do you think you're worth forty-three marriage proposals in three days?"


"Is there another person who cleansed the Burial Mounds in our sect? Yes, you. My hand hurts so much from writing the rejection letters."

"Thank you," Wei WuXian bowed slightly, careful to not jostle the precious bundle currently (and adorably) smacking her lips.

"There's something in the air. Lan ZongZhu told me he had eleven marriage proposals for himself and another thirty-two for Lan WangJi. We should exchange names, see if any of these eager fathers are just fishing and hoping to catch one of us." He glared at his head disciple. "Give me my niece. It's my turn."

"Your turn?" Wei WuXian stuck his tongue out. "Esteemed sect leader, this poor disciple wouldn't want to further injure your hand. This small one will continue to hold Ping'Er while you heal."

Jiang YanLi smiled serenely and knelt down next to her younger son. "A'Ling... go comfort your xiaojiujiu. He's sad he can't hold your meimei just yet." The toddler waddled to his uncle and held his hands to be picked up. "A'Cheng... how many did you receive?"

"None," he bent to pick up the child and made faces at him while reminding his sister, "My betrothal is finalized, remember? And public."

"Finalized?" Wei WuXian couldn't contain his shock. "You're getting married?"

"A'Jie negotiated it over the winter. Wen Qing and I will marry right before the Autumn Festival."

"Wen Qing? Wen Daifu?" Wei WuXian was aware his voice was increasing in pitch. He couldn't control it. "You're marrying Wen Daifu?"

"It's a good match," Jiang YanLi stated. "The GusuWen need strong allies. Wen Qing will marry A'Cheng and Wen QiongLin is to marry Lan QiRen's second cousin's eldest daughter. They are infatuated with each other. She's a lovely girl. Wen QiongLin is stepping up as clan leader once Wen Qing moves to Lotus Pier." She smiled, slightly evilly this time. "A'Cheng and Wen Daifu seem to be a good romantic match as well."

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