31. Wen Yuan interrupts: He ate my butterfly!

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There was no getting rid of them. The ten juniors were extremely eager to practice quelling fierce corpses, ghosts, and ghouls. The two seniors were happy they could practice in a relatively safe environment. The absent sect leaders were satisfied that their Head Disciple and heir could handle a few juniors and still accomplish their main task.

Wei WuXian refused to share his home with the YunmengJiang senior; instead Lan Wangji moved his personal belongings into their now officially shared house. "That leaves you three buildings to split between the twelve of you. I really don't care how." Wei WuXian was feeling rather snarky after being woken up at such an unholy hour by unwelcome guests.

He also had to stop them from dispelling his 'child', now named Chang Wei. "Don't even think about sending him away," he spoke harshly to the juniors. "This is my friend, and I'll send him when he's ready."

"But he's a ghoul!"

"A ghoul who ate Wen Chao. You should show appropriate thanks." Chang Wei crouched at Wei WuXian's feet and growled at the juniors, most of whom looked sick at the thought of cannibalism. "Now, my little walking stomach, you're not allowed to eat them, either." It glared at its benefactor, who looked unperturbed.

It wasn't exactly bad having twelve uninvited guests. The juniors stayed with their seniors for the most part, seldom requiring assistance from Wei WuXian or Lan WangJi after the first day or two. It was actually almost pleasant hearing their voices calling out 'Wei Chianbei!' or 'Wei Laoshi!' It was also good for when the inevitable requests for assistance with the fae in the areas surrounding Yiling City, he could send a few of them out with a senior, or even take them out himself when he needed a break from thinking about how to safely destroy the Yin Tiger Seal.

It wasn't nearly as pleasant when the requests for aid were directed first to 'Wei Laozu' and then 'Yiling Laozu' instead of 'esteemed cultivators in the Burial Mounds'.

The juniors, thankfully, weren't going to be permanent residents. They came for two weeks, there was a week of peace, and then the next batch strolled up the mountain. At first it was only the great sects sending their groups of six. After almost three months, though, some of the smaller clans were permitted to send their disciples up. After all, everyone liked the idea of a relatively safe night hunt.

Wei WuXian did remind his sect leader that the more time he spent on other things meant the less time he had to spend researching how to destroy the Seal. Both Jiang WanYin and Lan XiChen indicated they had no issues with them staying right where they were.

For Wei WuXian, this was as close to perfection as his life had ever been. He woke in bedding that smelled of them: sandalwood and lotus flowers and sex. There was hot food waiting for him and clean clothes. Then the rest of the day, he did as he pleased. Whether he was assisting in sending the poor souls of the Burial Mounds onto their next lives or hiding in the cave or workroom researching his Seal, or heading down the mountain to assist a local farmer or merchant, was his to decide.

His and Lan Zhan's, who was a very willing partner to anything Wei WuXian wanted to do. Even if it was a morning of shutting themselves away in the cave to do research or to do 'research'. There was a flatish rock in one of the cave rooms that he'd used as a bed the first time he'd found himself in the Burial Mounds. He'd bought some blankets and a mattress for it on the pretext that he took naps on it.

It wasn't exactly a pretext.... He did take naps on it. But only after a mutual masturbation session.


Wen Qing arrived three days early for her monthly examination. Normally, Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi refrained from their nightly activities two days before her arrival to reduce, as much as possible, the odds of her discovering what they got up to. Not only had they rutted against each other the previous night, Wei Ying woke up that morning with Lan Zhan lying between his legs, bringing him off with his mouth. It was a fantastic way to start the day.

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