39. Wei Ying... dual cultivate with me.

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"Don't do that again," Lan Zhan ordered. "Together means together. Not Wei Ying going off on his own."

"I can't risk you... you have to know that. You're more important to me than my own life. I will do everything to keep you safe. And alive."

Lan WangJi's whole body shook 'no'. "If Wei Ying is not safe, neither is Lan Zhan. What kind of life are you condemning me to if you die? How can I live without you?"

Wei WuXian wanted to say 'sorry'. An apology he didn't mean, though? Lan Zhan didn't deserve insincere words. "I love you," he finally whispered. I won't promise to not leave you behind, safe. I can't promise to let you walk into danger with me. You... Zhiji... you're everything good in my life. I will keep you from harm as much as I can. "I needed to destroy the Seal before Xue Yang, or another of Meng Yao's minions, could get his hands on it."

"What if he had come while you were in the process of destroying it? What would you have done then?"

Wei WuXian let his hands run up and down his husband's back. "I put myself in a protection array. Nothing can get to me in it."

"Wei Ying..." Lan Zhan rolled them so he was lying half on top of his husband. Golden eyes were fierce and piercing and glittering with want and need and....

"Oh." You're hard. In an instant, Lan Zhan had pushed him upright, until he was kneeling over Lan Zhan's waist.

"You owe me my wedding night. Strip."

"Here?" Wei Ying could feel his voice's pitch rising. "You don't want to wait until we get back to civilization and a real bed?"

"No. Wei Ying promised to give me my rights as his husband. I will take them. Now. Strip." Without waiting for a response, Lan Zhan made quick work of removing his husband's belt and untying his robes. "Wei Ying..." sounded vaguely threatening.

"Yes, Lan Zhan." Wei Ying untied his shirt's ties and stood up to remove his trousers. His eyes were glued to his husband's torso as Lan Zhan quickly removed his own clothing.

Strong hands yanked him back down to lay on the bedding, Lan Zhan settling between his legs. "Wei Ying.... Can I? I want to be inside you."


Lan Zhan fumbled with his sleeves, eventually pulling out a small jar. "Wei Ying... I've never... have you?"

Wei Ying nearly yelled, "Of course not! Who would I even do it with?"

Lan Zhan's face reddened. "I meant... by yourself. I've never... tried... it... on myself."

"Oh." Wei Ying's face was almost an exact match to his lover's. "No." Sex had always seemed like an impossibility between them. He was destined to marry a woman and he refused to completely dishonor her. What was the point in exploring how penetrative sex with a man worked?

Lan Zhan swallowed, hard. "I am aware that oil eases the way. And you need to be stretched a bit first. And Wen Daifu mentioned cleaning." He reached over to his robes and pulled out a qiankun pouch from a sleeve. "I researched. But...." He upended the pouch and a dozen or so books fell out. "They aren't the right kind of books."

Wei Ying opened one of the books to see a graphic picture of a man penetrating another man. His eyebrows raised to a comical level. "Lan Zhan? I suppose it's not surprising you bought these kinds of books. You are the type to research before doing something new. You look so wholesome and good.... Who would think you carry cut sleeve porn around with you!" He flipped carefully through the book, reading a few sentences here and there and doing more than glimpsing at some of the pictures.

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