redo story in secret

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Me and Kay was at the bar waiting for Taylor snice i was early. I was about to a to get some water when

Keith said " What can I get - Kiroo what are you doing here?

" I'm waiting for Taylor."

" Okay do you want a drink than."

I said " whisky Scott please."

Just as he was bout to say something, Taylor walked. After she sat down , She said " Let's go where does he live i will kill him."

Keith said " Who are you going to kill ? If you kill him let me get all his organs so i can sell it on the black market. "

I said " guys you are going to kill my boy - i looked over to the left and saw Blaze and his friends entered the bar.

Third P.O.V.

Keith said " He seems like a player."

Taylar said " he looks hot."

Kiroo said "He's my sister's boyfriend's brother."

Taylor said " snice they are betting to on who's the victim to spend the night with, I say let's have a bet of our own."

Keith said " count me out." he then went to serve the other people at the bar.

Blaze's P.O.V.

When we got to the bar, Sleven said " Not it while touching his nose. Nick said " I second that." While touching it . I sigh and headed to the bar.

" Can I get four beers and a bottle of - Its on me Blaze.

I turned to my left and was shocked to see my brother's girlfriend sister.

" Well, Well , Well. Ain't this my lucky night."

She gave me a smirk and said " Keith Its on my tab okay."

The guy behind the counter said " fine, but use the bed not my office couch.

Taylor got up and said " enjoy the fun." and left to help Keith out.


After they left, I said " What are you doing here?"

" What? I can't go to the bar."

I was just about to apologize to her when she punched me and said " I'm joking but, you're goanna dance with me after I help you carry these bottle."

I shrug my shoulder and lead the way to where the guys were at.

Sleven 's P.O.V.

When we were at the both waiting for Blaze, I said " if Blaze comes back with a girl, forty bucks."

Nick said " I will double that money if they don't show up at midnight."

After we shook hands, I saw Blaze and some girl with him. As they got closer, I said " his brother's girlfriend's Sister... what's her name again."

Nick said "so, bets off or what?

Jake said " Bet is on. I will triple the money."

Third P.O.V.

After Blaze sat down he said " Well ,Thanks. Bye."

Kiroo laughed and said " you said you were going to dance with me."

Just as Blaze was about to answer, Sleven said " I'm Sleven. And I'll dance with you since he doesn't like to dance.

Nick said "he is a party pooper."

Jake said "No, I will dance with her."

Kiroo chucked and said " Blaze is a party poooper. But drinks on me snice My friend owns the place."

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