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Three days  before summer vacation starts.

Saturday around one  in the afternoon. 

Eve  pov
I had just got out of work early. Let me introduce myself.  My name is  Everly. But I like to be called Eve. My  boyfriend is Leon and my best friend is Jenna.

I got in my blue car  which was a 2003 Jeep  and was on the way home when my phone rang.

Photograph - Ed Sheeran

Third pov
When Eve was at a red light she read the text message from her boyfriend saying that he's sick. She decided to surprise him snice it was their two month anniversary. When she got home, she took a shower and cooked him chicken noodle soup.

Eve P.O.V.

When I got in my car again, I texted my sister that I'm sleeping at Leon's. After the text was sent I drove to his place. I parked the my car across the street snice he lives on a dead end street.

Third Pov

When she got out the car her phone rang.

Shut up and dance - walk the moon

Eve put the brown paper bag on top of the car and took out her phone. The text was from her sister saying that's fine, I won't be home either. When Eve was done reading the text she put her phone in her Gucci purse that was blue and walked across the street with the brown paper bag. She used the spare key because she knew where he hid it.

Fact :  Eve and  Riker lives together. They  parents moved to Florida.

Contract slayer ( old version )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora